
Vampiric_Conure is banned because Ollie is fly bombing green bean poops.
@GivemeSeedsorgivemeFlesh is banned cos I bet Ollie doesn't have the pin-point accuracy that Jem had when he pooped on one of Lovejoy's toys and managed to land his poop on a ball inside another ball. Jem REALLY doesn't like Lovejoy!!

LaManuka is banned for not trusting me to be a super moderator!!!!

Please don'
LaManuka is banned because no one knows this game because it was left... so they think they are really being banned!
LaManuka is banned because the lorikeet in your profile picture reminds me of a bumblebee for some inexplicable reason
DonnaBudgie is banned for not banning Corkscr
Vampiric_Conure is banned for having a 23-year-old cockatiel

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