
Rozalka is banned becuase zenek cant sing happy birthday to you in chinese
Tikitiel is banned because Zenek is cultural - he says good night each evening and he lets me sleeping in the morning until I wake up
Rolzalka is banned becuase her gcc does not wake her up
Tikitiel is banned because on Thursdays and Fridays I have to wake up so early, before all my fids and i don't need waking up so early every day
Tikitiel is banned for learning the hardest language in the world
Ps. are you joking or is it true?
Rozalka is banned becuase she thought i was joking
(i have an exam about it tomorrow and i studied NOTHING)
请帮助我 **google translate it**
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Rozalka is banned becuase she is taking too long to respond
Tikitiel is banned because
1. she was wasting own time on the forum instead of studying
2. I was taking a shower - I'm not on the forum all the time!
Rozalka is banned becuase noone is on the forum all the time!
Tikitiel is banned because she's online today from the morning until now.
Tikitiel is banned for not learning to her tomorrow exam
Rozalka is banned becuase i know the top two hardest languges! (chinese,arabic)
Tikitiel is banned because I know the hardest European language :p
Rozalka is banned becuase she has the cuteset little fluffy baby bourk
Tikitiel is banned because first she wrote she hates pink and now she likes my bourke
Tikitiel is banned because my bourkes are 6-7 years old, so they aren't babies :p

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