
LaManuka is banned because when it comes to birds being a grandmother is a fun thing ;)
Christa is banned for being right ;) (I was the first time bird grandmother at age about 12 ;))
I ban myself because Christa is real banned again! :(
Rozalka is banned because Christa is banned.
Aratingettar isn't banned because I don't want the next real banned banner ;)
Rozalka is banned for not recognizing it's just the Next Level of Banned! Game
I introduce to you:

The Super Ban

I now ban those who previously banned me with the Super Ban.

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LeaKP is super banned because maybe we should do "who will be the first on 200th page" contest?:D;)
I am banning myself from this page henceforth because Christa is banned :(
I’m double banning LaManuka because she is the last post.

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Ok ok this will be my last post on this page, cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, eat a horse manure pie.... Christa is banned “Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone, it’s not warm when she’s away, ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone, and she’s always gone too long anytime she is away” :17:
LaManuka is banned because she is right - without Christa here is cloudy!
Rozalka is banned because there's no "Banned" without Christa.
Aratingettar is banned because without Christa, "Banned" is extinct :(
I don't know how it happened but today night I had a weird dream...
.... I was banned by Christa although she was still real banned :confused:

Ealier, when she had period ban the second time I had a nightmare which turned out to be truth - she came back but later was banned forever :eek: (with a diference in the nightmare I was scary she will be banned forever and wanted a contact to her other than pf)

I know my night dreams can be strange... they can be about evrything from school or friends to my "Internet life"...
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I am SO confused about this game?! Am I the only one:o :18:
Probably yes - after real banning Christa (:17:) no one is brave enough to continue the game...
I ban myself for mentioning Christa (this game still reminds me her :17:)
birbsRcool is banned by Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #285: No good deed ever goes unpunished.
WhiteFlight is banned because they are a supporting member with a cockatoo

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