
ChristaNL is totally banned because Dr Who jumped the shark years ago ... I’m a Jon Pertwee/Tom Baker girl myself ;)
LaManuka is banned because I have no idea what is she talking about!
Aratingettar is banned for not knowing a very local TVshow/ series ;)
(only been in existence since 23 November 1963, UK of course--- crossed the ocean on 17 March 2006-> the Sci Fi Channel, USA )
ChristaNL is banned because Aratingettar is AWOL, probably because Cytrynka is still punishing him and quite rightly so too!
LaManuka is banned because well... I wanted to bann christa because when I saw this:

I thought she entered her POTM photo but not yet:(
Rozalka is banned because I am working on it...I already got some in my album, I am now figuring out how to get them into that topic...

You are my iiiiihiiiiiinspiraaaahaaaatioooooooon :D
Christa is banned because I think I had never seen pics of Sunny! So cute!
I always do "copy paste". I don't know if it is correct but works :D
Rozalka is banned because there is a 3rd picture of Sunny in my album...
(where she is poking my nose)
Christa is banned because I had seen all 3 pic in her album:)

Congratulations, you had made the entry before closing POTM ;)
Rozalka is banned because I did not realize I was that close!
Thanks for pushing me!! :)
ChristaNL is banned for barely squeezing in to the POTM contest by the skin of her teeth!

Great Sunny pics btw, she does look very happy:)
LaManuka is banned because (insert evil grinn here) I really did not realise (once again) that american months are shorter than normal ones ;) (mine still has a few days left of course).

Thank you, I was pleasantly surprised ;)

(though I did not realise I was in them as well, I generally try to avoid that)
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Christa is banned for not knowing that POTM always is closed few days before the "real" month end;)
Rozalka is banned because she don't know it's because american month is shorter than european one. Don't you know the Yankees have 13 months year? ;)

... and BTW: The rumors about my absence are greatly exaggerated :D
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Aratingettar is banned because I don't know what he's talking about!!!
Aratingettar is banned because when I started reading it, I reminded that my geography teacher told us about it :D Anyway: "Though it was never officially adopted in any country"
thank you for sharing, now I know the answer for my class question: "what is the 13th month?":D
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Rozalka is banned because the 13th month is what most government- and a lot of business employed people get in december (probably called a x-mass bonus in the States?) ;)

It is not always the exact amount as their monthly (euromonths LOL of course) paycheck btw..
Christa is banned because I want to go back to Doctor Who. I remember my stepdad watching it when I was young so I promise it was in the US before 2006. AND. When they rebooted the series, it started off so wonderfully and then went sideways BUT David Tennant is my Doctor and I met him at ComicCon and HE. TOUCHED. ME. And also looked at me right in the eyes and spoke words to me in his very own voice and then I died. Of happiness. I’m the one in purple.

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