
LeaKP is banned because I'm still waiting on my owners DNA results!!!!!!!

wait didn't I ban you before? what are you doing on????
Clark is banned because he can’t remember if he banned me or not. Violation of banning code 6.2 “Banning or renaming forbidden in the event said banner fails to cite time and date of prior banning of said member.”

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LeaKP is banned because it's rare when I visit PF and see so many posts in "Banned"
Rozalka is banned because she hasn't even asked about my green cheeks sex yet and whether they can stud or accept babies from poland Gccs.

Your so selfish.... also I still don't know their sex....
clark_conure is banned for not just asking Clark the sex of his new conure, he’ll know;)
LaManuka OF course HE knows but I was working on come on and I love you and what are you doing and kissy also ladder and um something else....

Not "hey what is your cagemates Gender?"

Unless you wanna come translate, I'll give a ride from the airport. YOU ARE PERMA-BANNED for not being "woke" to parrot language specifics.

Everyone LaManuka isn't woke to parrots (LULZ) [Please next banner make it fun]
Clarc_connure is banned because I am sooooo not funny today.

At work I had to raise a stink: all through the warm (and Hot) summer we had birdfeeders out & filled to the brim, just for fun so the visitors could spot (semi-wild) birds :) now it is freezing (yes it actually happened last night, the whole country is in shock! Oh my WINTER IS HERE, PANICK!!!) ... we are out of birdfood (now they finally need it to survive).
Anyway my boss was a champ and arranged it so we could go to the central depot and pick up some bags, so crisis averted, and we spend the rest of the day listening to birds burping loudly in the trees all around (they were so full).
Christa is banned because not buying bird food for the winter sounds more like the kinda thing us dumb Aussies would do, not you sensible Nederlanders! (Glad your birdies have full bellies now :))
LaManuka is banned for being half-right.

Unfortunately the lady that usually orders the food (after I tell them we are running low) is kinda occupied with battling cancer, and since she is rather a bossy busybody nobody really dares to meddle in her work-related-projects in her absence , even if they should.... It is one of those things. ;)
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Christa is banned because Fang and Lilly are engaged in a high stakes psychological preening war - “Have a look at MY plumage, it’s MUCH nicer than yours!” “Are you kidding me, your feathers are PATHETIC, mine are SO much prettier!” and so on and so forth and et cetera and et cetera all day long if necessary until someone passes out!

(Hope the lady with cancer is doing better now, cancer sucks!)
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Lamanuka is banned because the parrots are waaaaay to vain :) (Fun though)

[ame=""]Carly Simon - You're So Vain - YouTube[/ame]
Christa is banned because parrots are not vain, their gorgeousness is simply a fact of life:)
LaManuka is banned because today when I looked at a mirror, I noticed two feathers in my hair:D
Rozalka is banned because feathers in her hair are better is better than bird's poop ;)
Aratingettar is banned because I agree with that statement, and I refuse to agree most of the time ;) (because where is the fun in that?) and I should be in bed by's already saturday here and I have a LOT to to before that day is done.
Christa is banned because Saturday is almost finished here.
LaManuka is banned because I haven’t seen her ban today.

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LeaKP is banned for not looking hard enough!
LaManuka is banned because saturday is still going strong here ;) (16:25ish)

Today I found a wheelbarrow stuck/ half hidden in a cupboard next to the toilets at the place where I got my dancing-lessons. (Some of us are helping them clean up/ clear out) and the comment was "Oh, I've been looking for that one...about 15 years ago".
We all had a good laugh about it.

(They had a folkdancing-group, lots of salsa, and even classes where you could do wheelchairdancing... but wheelbarrows???? This is an middle-of-the city kind of place with no outdoor anything except some parkingspaces)
Christa is banned because it’s been at least two days since anyone has banned anyone ... three depending on your time zone!

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