
Fox ibb sadd the Jasper hair was such a fashion statement
Bird ibb IKR
It's so faded now :(
foxgloveparrot is banned because they aren't keeping my other favorite game going, tell a lie about the poster above you. Also I have to put on a presentation for my companies board of directors and I don't think I can use my parrots. I have to do it on my own merit.
Clark is banned for complaining on one game, on a TOTALLY different game
We all just love to complain eh?
LeaKP is banned for returning to the forums after very long time

(also welcome back, idk why I haven't said it yet)
LeaKP is banned for returning to the forums after very long time

(also welcome back, idk why I haven't said it yet)
Rozalka is banned because she banned a woman that is pretty! And her cute human LeaKP... Unless it's a male I dunno I just bumping really because fun game.
Clark conure is banned for not being sure about LeaKP' gender

Extra ban for somebody who harmed my cousins' dog for harming an innocent animal. (They don't know what happened exactly, they found their dog with blooding back like somebody hit him using a pitchfork or shot him, now he's being healed)
LeaKP is banned for changing country again (am I wrong or is SA your 4th home country? I think I didn't mistake you with somebody)
Rozalka is banned for...learning english to well. You are having no gramatical mistakes in your posts. I've noticed you are even using their, there, & they're correctly.....I honestly don't think I can date you anymore.

You did miss the "s" on "Clark conure is banned for not being sure about LeaKP's gender" but I figured do learn english here.
Clark conure is banned for thinking that he could date a person who he has never met irl and not knowing that I'm not into boys anyway :p
Rozalka is banned because they don't know, but I know, that they know, that I know, but they don't know....I'd just let the parrots do all the talking!
Rozalka is banned because they don't know, but I know, that they know, that I know, but they don't know....I'd just let the parrots do all the talking!
Clark conure is banned for existing
Rozalka is banned for...learning english to well. You are having no gramatical mistakes in your posts. I've noticed you are even using their, there, & they're correctly.....I honestly don't think I can date you anymore.

You did miss the "s" on "Clark conure is banned for not being sure about LeaKP's gender" but I figured do learn english here.
Clark_conure is banned for using "to" instead of "too" in a post about Rozalka's grammer. Go back to grammer school, Clarkie!
LeaKP is banned for changing country again (am I wrong or is SA your 4th home country? I think I didn't mistake you with somebody)
Rosalka is banned for being so perceptive!

Missions work has moved me so many times! However we’re at the “age” that we are setting up a base of operations while our daughter finishes high school.
LeaKP is banned for misspelling my username and for banning the wrong person (it was turn to ban Niner)

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