
Rozalka is banned for not having tiktok either(I don't have it because I don't want it)
Pipp is banned cos I don't want it either
Moxxie is banned cos I already have many accounts on different sites for fun and I don't need more
Moxxie is banned cos I already have many accounts on different sites for fun and I don't need more
Rozalka is banned because you have too many accounts
Moxxie is banned cos it's 19C in my flat and it's already kinda cold (as room temperature)... I'm curious how this winter will look like - the normal room temperature here is 21C but this year my town may not be able to keep it... if it's true that we'll get 18/17C inside, I'm gonna freeze this winter🥶
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Moxxie is banned cos it's 19C in my flat and it's already kinda cold (as room temperature)... I'm curious how this winter will look like - the normal room temperature here is 21C but this year my town may not be able to keep it... if it's true that we'll get 18/17C, I'm gonna freeze this winter🥶
Rozalka is banned because I don't know where the *squawk* she lives
Moxxie is banned for laughing
That bird expert is banned for having an avatar with a conure looking like Cheetos
that bird expert is banned cos I'm restarting my phone :(
That bird owner is banned because I don't know how to accept cookies here on mobile and can't post art😒
T.b.e. is banned for being an aries like my mom
that bird expert is banned because...
May I ask your gender/pronouns? I just want to make sure I refer to you correctly
that bird expert is banned because cool. :) So...she/her?

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