
LaManuka is banned cos I wanna ban a mosquito:

Mosquito 1244678 is banned for annoying Angela and Rozalka
Rozzy is banned for banning me while I wasn't looking!
LaManuka is banned for the same thing.
Rozzy is banned cos I just banned her when she wasn't looking again - tee hee!!😝
LaMauka is banned for banning me while I was hanging up the laundry
Rosalka is banned for hanging up the laundry
Pipp is banned for misspelling my username :)
Pipp is banned for making a typo
Pipp is banned for banning herself. Many people make this typo... some of them think "z" doesn't suit there :)
Rozzy is banned cos nobody else is here to do it so I'd better make sure it gets done!!
LaManuka is banned for "fixing" my typo

Oh, and the typo was an accident- my finger hit the wrong key. I know it's a Z
Pipp is banned because I didn't fix her typo, she's going to have to fix it herself - or not! :)
LaManuka is banned for not being a super mod any longer.
Rozzy is banned because I had fish and chips for dinner :)
LaManuka is banned because today I carried a heavy rucksack while I shouldn't carry very heavy things but I had to help my parents
Rozzy is banned because I just had a nice nap on the couch :)
LaManuka is banned for taking a nap and not sleeping right now.
Rozzy is banned because ok alright i'm going to bed in a minute ..... geeeeeeezzzzzzzzzz!!!! 😆
LaManuka is banned cos why do I get such strange maps on FB...

According to this, I live in US :ROFLMAO:

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