
Rozalka is banned for being away from her fids

Also I'm gonna post Jeff Fliers all over my city
Pipp is banned because today I saw the most poisonous spider living in Poland.

*It's not poisonous enough to be deadly
Rozzy is banned because I didn't know you had poisonous spiders in Poland! What species is it, Rozz?
LaManuka is banned because I don't know 😂 I was in a cave and the tourist guide said it not saying the species. Anyway this species lives only in caves because they need stable temperature.
Well Rozzy is banned coz my husband is an arachnophobe and whenever we get a big spider in the house I'M the one who has to catch it and take it outside!
LaManuka is banned because I would not be so brave... I always ask my parents to remove bigger spiders, but I know that in Australia our "big" spiders are small😣
Rozzy is banned because spiders in Queensland are big but usually not venomous so it doesn't bother me to catch them. I'm much more scared of cockroaches here, they are NASTY!!!
LaManuka is banned because there are in Australia 10 the most poisonous spiders of the world! (At least I heard so)
Note: here in Poland most spiders aren't poisonous)
Rozzy is banned because the really nasty venomous spiders mostly live further down south from here - mostly!!! :eek:
LaManuka is banned because it is a tip for me which Australia area to choose if I will be there - not south! 😉
Rozzy is banned because you would be very wise to stay further north here, cos that's where all the nicest people live ;)
LaManuka is banned for not going to Canada because we're TOO far north ! :D :D
LaManuka is banned for not going to Canada because we're TOO far north ! :D :D
Vampiric_conure is banned for being to nice (canadian) on a bulletin board for dinosaurs..... Just to nice.
Clark_Conure is banned for being able to ride Aussie spiders on shopping trips...
Vampiric_Conure is banned because reasons I cannot tell you right now
foxgloveparrot is banned because Ziggy is always picked last because of alphabetical order.
Clark is banned for beginning a story in "RP game idea" thread while it's not a game yet not mentioning it was began wrong. (I didn't write the rules)
Mosquito 2324233 is banned for trying to bite me

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