
Zourace is banned cos my phone needs to be restarted again
Natalia is banned because it's 8:24pm in SA
Zoe is banned for never using my real name!
Zoe is banned coz we know Birdgirl’s real name 😏
Zoe is banned for not using my real name either (yes, it’s looooong)
Also no. She wouldn’t want me to.
Fox ibb well it isnt my fault i hat to die for some times..
Why does so much stuff happen when i go offline
Pizu is banned because I don’t know his real name and he doesn’t need to share if he doesn’t want to
Pizu is banned for having fluffy potatoes (guinea pigs)

Edit: AAAHH!! I didn't see your post lol
Ria is banned because I'm going to bed now, bye!
Ace is banned because I might be incubating some chicken eggs soon.
Ace is banned because if everything works out, then I'm going to be hearing the sweet pitter patter of baby chicken feet again. 🥰

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