
tiki is banned coz grammar
Tiki is banned cos today I had a strange dream (again) and woke up in the middle of the night
roz is banned coz i want to know what the dream is about
Pizu is banned because it was about my online friend - that she is very ill and her FB group and page still exist (both are deleted irl)
roz is banned coz ah oke
Pizu is banned because I don't understand such dreams about people who I have not been talking for a long time
roz is banned coz if I remember dreams, I often think about what it would mean to me and for my life, like once I was stressed coz I couldn't make a decision on something and then had a dream about shaving my head. Maybe yours was that you are wanting to reach out to someone but you aren't, maybe even them
Pizu is banned because most of my dreams were too stupid to mean anything. I never talk about what are my worst dreams (um... More nightmares) - I can just say that everything was because of my stupid story series
roz is banned cause i like nightmares
Pizu is banned because I hate all nightmares related to my story events created in 2012 and 2015 (they were too stupid!!!)
And I don't understand why I still have them. I thought that my current story events escaped from the past ones enough to not have them any longer
roz is banned because she speaks too sophisticated to 14 year old
Pizu is banned because be happy you don't know the details
tiki is banned cos evening to you tiki
tiki is banned coz it is noon here

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