
pipp ibb Julius is napping.
Bird is banned cos I don't know what my fids are doing rn
Roz is banned coz Lilla is on my shoulder, the budgies are hanging out on the top of their cage, Cricket is looking out the window, and Jasper is doing questionable things
Fox ibb Ahhh I'm so jealous.
Bird is banned coz fair
Fox ibb I'll be satisfied when i have atleast an amazon ekkie budgie and cockatiel and turquoise gcc.
Bird is banned coz I’ll be satisfied…never
Next bird is gonna be either DYH, some kind of cockatoo, or caique
Fox ibb WHen i have my entire dream list i'll be happy plus maybe a parrotlet or a linnie.
Bird is banned coz don’t underestimate parrotlets! They are INSANE
Fox ibb I know but a good crazy :cool:
Bird is banned for being right
Fox ibb I like pacific parrotlets the best
Bird is banned coz same but I love them all
fox ibb I'm so proud of Julius he said his first word today omgosh 😮 he said cookie ive been trying to get him to say that for months!
Fox ibb actually i think ive been trying to get him to say one word his entire life.
Bird is banned coz I'm happy he finally said it!
Ziggy has only said each word like once or twice, I'm trying to get him to say them more often (words are "cute", "birdy", and "ziggy boy")
Fox ibb when budgies aren't chirping and saying actual words there voices are so odd.
Bird is banned coz yeah, like the chattering noises
Fox ibb it sounds so foreign

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