
Fox is banned because I'm going to bake a cake.
Inko is banned coz cool, what kind?
Things I can bake
-bird cookies
-birdie bread
Fox ibb i never learned birdie bread
Inko is banned coz awesome!
And Bird, you should try it
Fox ibb is it hard. Why am I even asking that question I legit bake deserts every Wednesday And not easy ones either. Idk i guess i just suppose birds are harder to please than humans.
Bird is banned coz I can't bake or cook anything for myself
Birdie bread is not hard for me
Ofc I'm motivated to make it because it's for the fids
FOx ibb oki phew i thought i wasn't going to pick up a birdie tomorrow after all but i still am. :)
Bird is banned coz good :)
fox ibb yeah plans change easily and you can do anything about it when u cannot drive.
Bird is banned coz I'm bad at driving...
Actually I'm ok I guess
Just really careless
Fox ibb I'm not careless doing anything dangerous because i know my birds need me.
Bird is banned coz I try not to be
I'm much better about it now
We don't talk about what I did when driving at age 16
Bird is banned coz I'm planning on getting an outdoor aviary for my birds...?
fox ibb ahhh what kind?
Bird is banned coz I'm thinking something like this...but it'll be connected to my indoor bird room
Aviaries For Sale - Ideas on Foter
fox ibb oh man thats so epic do you have a link to it?
Bird is banned coz that was a google image...still looking for the exact one

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