
foxx ibb my parents say that all the time

Stormy is banned coz it’s actually much easier now; especially when you have the bird life
Foxx ibb i wish i was at home with the birds :(
There ya go foxx

new pfp

nvm i hated it
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Stormy is banned
foxx ibb im at stupid piano
Stormy is banned coz rip
Stormy is banned coz kids deal with school, which is enough of a torture chamber
Give them a BREAK. If they want any extracurriculars THEY WILL ASK.
Foxx ibb agreed

Also I should have a say in what I do in my free time, ESPECIALLY after school and ice skating on a friday
Stormy is banned coz I begged my parents to let me STOP WITH PIANO (and all the other stupid stuff the made me do) and they didn't listen
Foxx ibb same. I'm so tired.
Also my piano teacher is a jerk. I have literal PANIC ATTACKS when playing piano, and he's like "lets not be so stubborn, shall we?".
Stormy is banned coz omg I'm so so sorry :(
foxx ibb its life ig
Stormy is banned coz why though, why ARE there problems in life, why does it exist for bad things to happen
Foxx ibb it sucks
Stormy is banned coz to lighten the mood a little:
Foxx ibb you alreadyy posted that 👹 👹 👹
Stormy is banned coz I know - but I love it and we were having a hard conversation so

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