
tiki ibb I luv English but I hate math
Bird ibb i like math
I hate English bcz she ignored my birb :(
tiki ibb I can hear Julius all day everyday cause I'm home schooled
Bird is banned for being homeschooled
Sounds...interesting? I wouldn't know
Fox is banned cos I have experience with learning at home too (but teachers were visiting me)
Roz ibb being hoomschooled is the best you never have to leave your birds.
Bird is banned coz THAT part sounds very nice
Fox is banned cos only two teachers noticed Limonka's existence
Roz ibb you hear them squawking you go in there for 3 minutes calm them down and yeah so your always there.
Bird is banned coz i have no experience with homeschool...
But it sounds, again, very interesting
fox ibb I'm homeschooled cause i was bullied when i was a little teensy kid not that i'm much bigger cause I'm not even 5 foot.
Bird is banned cos - do you have few teachers?
Roz ibb I have one my dad.
Bird is banned cos my first thought was right (later I was confused if I understood "homeschool" right)
Roz is banned coz I have to drive 3 hours there and 3 hours back-
Ok that means I have to leave like NOW
Tiki ibb I like writing

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