
Fox ibb I woke up in a fantastic mood this morning.
tiki i never cared for SpongeBob actually now that I recall I wasn't allowed to watch SpongeBob or much Tv at all. But idrc I don't like a ton of tv anyways.
Bird is banned because random question
What did other kids grow up with that you didn't get to grow up with?
Fox ibb uhh..
I honestly dont know
I forgot what happened yesterday you think i remember ehat happened 4-5 years ago 💀
tiki ibb A freind I had no freinds till I was atleast 9
Bird ibb i always just get mad at zoruark for no reasons at all
tiki ibb ok? tiki i will never understand you.
bird ibb i agree
Tiki ibb I love my new computer it is amazinggggggg. I love 4k
Tiki is bannef cos I've just posted another part of my story and realized a funny thing about it - Daniel's uncle is more based on Natalie's uncle from human story version :D Why haven't I notice it before?😛
Roz is banned because "bannef"
Tiki is banned cos you all write too fast

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