
Tiki is banned cos monk parakeets in some languages ARE conures
(but the
Tiki is banned because don't worry...
there's more!!
Screenshot 2022-01-01 12.52.40 PM.png
fox is banned for existing in the toxic and nontoxic plants!
Tiki is banned cos lol

I wasn't kidding - you can check eg Spanish and monk parakeet is a conure there. Here in Poland it is SO complicated what is a conure and what isn't.
Roz is banned because I've heard...
Lilla = macaw
Jasper = parakeet
Ziggy = lorikeet
Kai = lorikeet and pygmy parrot
Cricket = budgie, lovebird, and macaw
Roz is banned because I'm too lazy to read through all of that :p
(kidding...I'm reading it)
Fox ibb Jasper is addictive. Because he is adorable beyond belief.
Bird is banned cos I'm often too lazy to read long posts 😛
Bird is banned because he is
And I banned incorrectly again
Fox ibb Julius is my first priority. Because of that I turned down a chance to see my grandma
Bird is banned because going on vacation is the worst when you have birds
Fox ibb well Julius is grieving and he needs me around I'm his only friend right now.
Bird is banned because I'm so sorry about Petals, thinking about you and Julius
Fox ibb yeah it's tough I'm doing better than Julius is though. But he's getting lots of attention
Bird is banned because Julius will be fine, hopefully
Fox ibb he'll be fine but I may have to go to the shelter and go bird seeking When I first got Julius I got him a buddie after a couple months because I could see he was lonely for his own kind. So ill wait a couple weeks and evaluate.
Bird is banned because I'm (maybe?) getting another budgie, but I have no plans for introducing him/her to Zig and Kai

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