
ChristaNL is banned because I'm still waiting.
LeslieA is banned because I am not sure if I should talk about it much. There is a chance we could rekindle this argument and I get booted forever. I like you guys too much for that to be happening.
Lets just "play nice and respect the rules" and "live happily ever after" ?

and whoa...what is going on with your avatar??!!
Result of a pubcrawl?
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ChristaNL is banned for noticing my avatar change. I told my daughter, "This is your brain on drugs."
Christa is banned for hahaha-ing on such a serious forum ;)
Aratingettar is banned because I just came back home and I want to ban someone;)
FBF is banned for living in Illinois.
LeslieA is banned for having a avatar with a hybrid of a lizard and a bird
Rozalka is banned because I just came in from danceclass and my feet hurt.
ChristaNL is banned because I want to say Good Night everyone!
Rozalka is banned for wanting to sleep
LeslieA is banned because the sun is shining (finally) and this dumb human is still inside the house.
ChristaNL is banned because I've got a runny nose:(
Rozalka is banned for not just blowing her nose.
Rozalka is banned because I wish her all the best (of health etc. )

and LesieA is banned for being the faster banner :)
Thank you Christa but I'm banning you! Leslie is banned too
Rozalka is being banned because LesieA is not playing right now (and there are waaaay to many bourke-featuring-threads atm, my greys are getting jealous! just because the bourkes are so darn cute, of course.)
ChristaNL is banned for saying I'm not playing.
LeslieA is banned for playing :) welcome back!

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