
LaManuka is banned because also I can see my parrot
Rozalke is banned because I was looking at this thread (and not at the parrots for a moment) and had a macaw closing her beak on my big toe!
ChristaNL is banned cos I like pancakes too you know!
LaManuka is banned for liking pancakes. Do you like strawberry ice creammmmmm? I do almost as much as mmmmm pizza.
ChristaNL is banned for letting that macaw bite you on the toe. I’m sure it was only a love bite anyhow ❤️
LaManuka is double banned for banning Christa b/c she got bit & not banning LeslieA.
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Any member of this forum who doesn’t join in the fun of “Banned” is ... well... banned!! :)
LaManuka is banned for banning all members who don't play in this game
Well somebody had to do it!
I agree, and since I lost count I am also banning anyone who IS playing :)
(my glorious self excepted of course, muhahahahahahahahahaha)
LaManuka is banned because... I want to have my 5 posts in the row listed on top of the Game Room :)
Aratingettar is banned because... I am here :p
Rozalka is banned for spoiling my goal :D
Aratingettar is banned because I will spoil your goal :D
Rozalka is banned because I do not like soccer, so "no goals plze"
ChristaNL is banned because I don't like soccer too ;)
Rozalka is banned because I DO like soccer. I like soccer more than golf.
LeslieA is banned because North Americans call it soccer when football makes so much more sense.

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Inger is banned because most North Americans call it soccer.
Aratingettar is banned because you were never ever going to get 5 posts in a row anyhow!

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