
Roz is banned 'cause I thought so
Fox is banned her real name in the members' list is FOXXY CLEOPATRA
Roz is banned 'cause I KNOW
Yeah, that's totally my real name
Fox is banned cos
1. I know that you know ;)
2. I've just added my REAL name
Roz is banned because my real name is Eleanora
Not Eleanor, Eleanora, with an "a" at the end
Foxxy Cleopatra is banned cos I'm thinkin' if there's any sense to continue Parrot Land story
Roz is banned because there probably is, unless you don't think so
Fox is banned cos I'm shocked about one thing... but maybe better to not mention here (not-parrot related)
Roz is banned because ok, don't write then
Fox is banned cos sometimes I feel I have to "grow up"
Roz is banned because you're fine the way you are :) trust me
On the other hand, feel what you want to
Fox is banned cos I've just added the second part of my story... but I dunno if I will be continuing :p
Roz is banned because fine, then, do what feels right to you
Fox is banned cos now I am on the members' names list
Roz is banned because you are! AND you're not Roxxy Cleopatra!
Fox is banned cos today I decided to search on what story is working now the author of my favorite fanfic and by accident I learnt few surprising things about her such as she has an over 30 (maybe almost 40) years old senegal parrot 😮
Roz is banned because wow 😮 Lilla is only 9 but I hope she lives to be 40...actually, that might not be a good thing because I don't know what my situation will be like by then
Tiki is banned because I can't read your spelling lol
Fox is banne dbeecause im excited i just saw a hawk head I WANT TO TAKE A PICTURE OF THE HAWK HEAD-

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