BirdAddict is banned cos today I've reminded myself my second unwritten own story series which I've NEVER mentioned in my life... and it is definitely more parrot-related - Idk why I got a mode today to come back there and started trying to draw one of the main characters...
... what do you thing about the story about a fictional land where parrots are like people? (I know it's funny, lol)
Roz is banned because Lilla knows to wave, hang upside down, dunk a basketball, fetch a ball, spin, flip, go through a slinky, is recall trained, AND harness trained
Fox is banned cos Zenek talks.
Two evenings ago when I was going to sleep I said him "Goodnight"...
Zenek: Goodnight. Hello.
Me: If you say goodnight, don't say hello
Zenek: What will you say?
Me: What will I say? I'll say you: GOODNIGHT
Zenek: have nothing