
Roz is banned because Jasper's cage is taller than me, lol
Fox is banned cos I wanna be before Tiki
Rox is banned because
1) never heard of him
2) whenever I write “Ro” it recommends me “Rox”
Tiki is banned cos I was first :)
Tiki is banned because my you have been cursed by my x
Tiki is banned because now it just says you own Tiki and used to own Tango
Millet, Pidgey, Flitch, and Chris are nowhere to be seen
Fox is banned for being right
Tiki is banned because now it just says you own Tiki and used to own Tango
Millet, Pidgey, Flitch, and Chris are nowhere to be seen
Rox is banned because here comes a lot of explaining:

millet was released
Pidgey was also released
Chris was’nt technically me bird so I removed him

I might add flitch again
Roz is banned because TIKI, EXPLAIN
I'm banning myself for banning incorrectly
Rox is banned because here comes a lot of explaining:

millet was released
Pidgey was also released
Chris was’nt technically me bird so I removed him

I might add flitch again
Wow that’s not a lot of explaining is it-
Tiki is banned for not banning Fox
Roz is banned because it's easier when only two people are playing
Fox is banned because I am sleepy but not sleepy enough to sleep
Tiki is banned because I have to go pry the budgies' beaks off Jasper's wings
Tiki is banned because EASY!
It only took me a few seconds
Ahh, the power of millet

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