
LaManuka is banned because I had some coffee and dessert a little while ago.
Inko-ai is banned because the Sir and I haven't had dinner yet =(
imouse is banned because you should go eat something!
Inko-ai is banned because I can't decide who's cuter: Sprite or Marshmallow?
Foxy is banned because the Crown Princess is a cranky, squawky, bitey, screamy, flappy girlie this morning!! (Who am I kidding, that's pretty much every morning! :) )
LaManuka is banned because Lilla, Cricket, and Kai are starting to get sleepy, but Jasper and Ziggy have decided there's always time for mischief!
Foxy is banned because I forgot to mention "poopy" in my list of the Crown Princess's activities this morning :)
LaManuka is banned because on Cricket's hatchday, Jasper got so jealous...but his hatchday isn't until March
Foxglove is banned for not accounting for bird time
imouse is banned because Sir Birb is the best bird name I have ever heard of
Tiki is banned because I am sleepy
Tiki is banned because today I woke up at 5:30 am, yesterday I couldn't sleep half night and before yesterday I couldn't sleep at all.
Tiki is banned because today I woke up at 5:30 am, yesterday I couldn't sleep half night and before yesterday I couldn't sleep at all.
Roz is banned because, unfortunately, I know how you feel!
LaManuka is banned because I am looking through the train's window thinking about the reason for banning
roz is banned because I dressed up as a bat today for school

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