bad spelling...


New member
Jul 13, 2011
M2's, U2's, G2's, RB2's, VOS, RLA's, BFA's, DYHA's, Dusky Pionus, Blue and Green Quakers, Meyers Parrots, VOS, GW Macaw's, Harlequin Macaws, Tiels, YNA, TAG's, CAG's, Blue Crown Conures, Red sided Ecl
I for one would never purchase an animal from someone who can't spell the animals species....


Molacan cokatoo

Scarlot Makaw

Milatary makaw

And what in the world is a guilding horse? Oh... you mean gelding!

Makes my brain hurt...

I was reading a craigslist ad online and he had the above birds for sale.

What makes it worse is he called for medical advice on the moluccans and they desperately need to see a vet, and he said it was too expensive and proceeded to post them for sale.... for (are you sitting down?) $1800
Both of them are bald and a mess, and some poor sap will pay that eventually...
Or a cocktail? Really, you're selling a drink? Lol
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I can't watch that from my phone.... but I'll be sure to check it out in the morning! Lol :D

Another couple of pet peve's...

Insure vs. Ensure

I am the daughter of a published writer and poet, he was also a college english professor for a while, and some people think I am just being a snob (I am quite prone to snobbishness when discussing spelling and grammar), but I'm also remarkably forgiving.... my spelling and grammar are often terrible (especially from my phone!), but seriously if someone wants to sell an animal how hard is it to google the word and see if you are at least spelling the species correctly. I am often blown away at the spelling errors encountered on craiglist....


Or my other favorite is the over abundance of "text speak"

GR8.... I can't w8 4 the nxt 1.


We are the result of 4 billion years of evolutionary success, perhaps we should act like it!
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LOL I totally agree with everything said!! Once I saw an ad for a "Red-Headed Parrot" (aka an Eclectus). Are you kidding me??!

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