Bad news.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
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Newbury Park, CA
Sully-2 year old cinnamon and Bella-3 year old normal
breeding pair of gcc, Scooter & BeeBee-Sully and Bella's normal son's, Rosey- Bella and Sully's cinnamon daughter, Ella & Sunny-American budgies
So I just got the call from the vet tonight regarding Sully's X-ray, and it's not good. The expert says his heart is enlarged and he might have fatty liver disease. He might have cardio myopathy along with his enlarged heart but we won't know for sure until we get an echocardiogram, which I'm not sure will happen because it runs about $400 dollars and that would come from my mom.

I am going to the vet tomorrow to get his heart meds and an anti oxident meds, which most likely won't cure the problem but will give him a longer happier life. He probably will never get to fly in the aviary but I can give him a longer happier life. I have to keep him calm now because if he gets too scared his heart might give out. I'm so sad right now.
I am so sorry to hear that cdog.....our thoughts and prayers are with you right now. Let's hope he can still live a long happy life. How can he have fatty liver disease I thought that was caused by seed diets.
Oh my :( I'm so sorry...sending you hugs

Was this just a genetic thing? How does a bird get this? I'm so sorry.

Sully is lucky to have you....xxoo keeping you in my prayers
Sully was on an all sees diet for 1 1/2 years before I got him so he either got fatty liver disease that way or it could be genetic.
This whole thing could be genetic but we're not sure.

Right now he has to stay in my fish tank covered to keep him calm but if the meds help he should be able to go back to a cage life with Bella. To keep him calm he is getting all of his favorite foods, blackberries, Harrison's, and dried papaya.
Needless to say he will not be breeding anymore just in case it is genetic and I don't want to wear him out.
I'm very sorry to hear that :( It's never a good feeling when something happens to our babies.
I am so sorry :( cdog , Sully really is lucky to have you . Hopefully these meds will help him out. You guys are in my prayers.
I'm sorry to hear that, but I hope that the meds work and Sully can come out of the fish tank soon.
Oh cdog I'm so sorry for you and Sully! ;( Hopefully he'll live happily. It's good that you own him, somebody could've ignored it and not have gone to the vet at all. ;( I'm wishing good luck to Sully.
I just wish I could afford to get him the eco, but I used all my money on Sully's previous tests and appointments so it is really up to my mom as the money will come from her.
I'm so sorry to hear that, cdog. :( I hope everything works out for the better!
Sorry for your anguish, Cdog.

We have a similar situation with a 15 year old cat. When I probed the vet about what the big money tests would do, other than satisfy curiosity, she backed down, and just prescribed meds. The cat is now a year older, and no worse off.

Diet and exercise: if one is neglected, the other better be perfect.
Big hugs to you!
So sorry to hear the news! I know you'll take great care of Sully.

I agree with PortaPerch..I have a dog with seasonal allergies and a stand-in vet wanted to spend $600 to do an allergy test. What to tell us what we already knew..I gave her Claritan once a day and the allergies were kept at bay in the Spring and Fall...JUST LIKE ME!

Hugs to you both!!
Well the eco would be to tell us if he has cardio myopathy and to see if his heart has any other defects that we just can't see with an X-ray. The vet wants to listen to his heart again to see if he has a murmur because that would be a very bad sign. So the money would be well spent but I am still going to talk to my mom and to the vet to discuss in more depth what is really going on and where we can go from here. She was also nice enough to print out a copy of the experts report so I can read it myself and see what it says because she didn't really go into depth over the phone. I also need to ask the vet how long Sully will need to stay in the fish tank because if it is going to be more than a week or two I want to get him a bigger one.
I just can't believe this is happening to my poor baby Sully, he's not even two yet and he already has all these problems. He isn't tame at all but I still feel so connected with him I just hate to see him like this.:(
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Thinking of you cdog, hoping for a speedy recovery xx
Well the eco would be to tell us if he has cardio myopathy and to see if his heart has any other defects that we just can't see with an X-ray. The vet wants to listen to his heart again to see if he has a murmur because that would be a very bad sign. So the money would be well spent but I am still going to talk to my mom and to the vet to discuss in more depth what is really going on and where we can go from here.

Just ask them..if you do this test and you find out about the myopathy would the treatment be different. What would change..will it change the length of Sully's life, the meds, etc?
This happens with dogs and do chemo and they go through all that and for what. So you need to ask (ie: no chemo how long will the dog live, 6 months...with chemo how long.6-9 months!???!?!.) So really they gain maybe 3 months but can be made sick by the chemo during that time. Depending on the situation I'd want quality for my dog...

I just hate to see you spend money for information that may not change the treatment.
Good luck whatever your love Sully and ultimately you will do what's best for him at that's all that matters.
Chris and Purl:white1:

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