Bad News :( my lutino hen develop a habit of plucking her babies feathers.

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I think it comes down to stress. some breeders don't handle the birds, and the babies are still plucked.
we've all made good points, the main goal is to remove the chicks should this start to happen.
Extensive research into bird senses has shown that vultures, seabirds, kiwis and PARROTS have well-developed olfactory glands, giving them some sense of smell and taste.
so how can you explain the behavior of one of my proven pair that it is okay for me to handle their chicks even pet them provided my hands are clean but if my hands are dirty or some smell on it and I handle the babies the plucking starts as in they want to take that smell or odor off the babies

I need an answer from the MASTERS here.
This thread is heading way off course, and so I am closing it now.
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