Baby Robin with no mother hanging out by apartment


New member
Jan 19, 2016
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hey folks. just jumping in to see if you guys have any advice. I have Uglow, my eclectus so I'm not about to risk his health by bringing this little guy in. But he's so helpless, barely able to get any lift and is clearly scared. And there some outdoor or stray cats that hang out in our alley. He's breaking my heart.

Thoughts? I have an apartment so there's nowhere for me to quarantine him until he's ready for the real world.
If he is getting ANY lift then he will be flying in the next couple of days and is actually exactly where he belongs. Your best course of action is to keep a distance and just keep an eye out for cats, dogs, and lawn mowers. He will be able to fly like a pro in the next few days if he survives this dangerous time.

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Thanks SilverSage. My wife and I hung out in the back near him until lo and behold mommy showed up with a bug in her beak. called for him, he called for her. She fed him and he flew his way up to a low branch and then a taller one and then a taller one. They called for each other and disappeared into another tree. What an awesome sight.
Unfortunately there's not much you can do, survival of the fittest. He'll learn to fly, or rejoin the circle of life in another form.
Glad to hear that! The next few days will be the most dangerous of his life, but if he can survive them he will be good to go :)

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Do you have a wildlife rescue center in your area? Many organizations exist to rehabilitate and release in to the wild if able.

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