Baby owl


New member
Mar 26, 2018
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Seeing someone post about the raven. I had a friend just sent me a picture of a baby owl outside his front yard. 0520180021a.webp
Looks like a baby barred owl. Unfortunately there were two but one didn't make it.
I would Google or otherwise search for any local wildlife rehabilitators... as soon as possible!
If there are absolutely none, I would suggest putting the baby in a secluded, safe area very close to where he was found. Parents often continue to care for newly-fledged babies... actually,that spot looks good... as long as there are no roaming dogs/cats nearby...
He told me that the parents still come around. Did a little research and saw that it was common for baby owls to fall out since owl are bad nest builders. Also I asked a dnr friend and he said it's best to just leave it since they are capable of taking care of themselves and since the parents still comes around to feed it.

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