Baby or Adult Meyers

Between the 3 sizes of Harrison's (Super Fine, Fine, and the cubes) I found personally that the FINE is good for almost any size bird.

I stopped getting the super fine for my budgie since he can eat the Fine with no problem, and I've had birds 500+ grams who ate the Fine too. One bag for everyone :). I find that there is too much waste with the larger size even with larger birds. But if you like the large size, they have Power Treats if you want to try those too.

Thanks, I actually got the fine one as the chunky one wasn't in stock. I'm glad you told me about the waste thing, they are so expensive and I don't want to be throwing half of them away !
Hmm I'm getting a suspicious feeling that he is a mans bird. He just seems more relaxed around my boyfriend and will put his head down right away for him while he actually nipped me this morning. Hopefully I can turn things around before he bonds to my boyfriend otherwise we could have trouble! I'm off work on Wednesday so I'll get some warm mash and see if he'll take that from me.

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