Ok, guys slow down a little please. First he wasn't all dirty and crusty except for the normal poo from being in a shipping container. Second I agree with not shipping birds this young but i wasn't aware he was this young. I was informed he was eight weeks old and the reason i chose this breeder was because the birds flight time was only 1 1/2 hr. Better then 8 or so from florida. I didnt want a bird on a plane for long. Granted not this young either. I had her at the vet today and besides the vet saying she is young she is very healthy. Third I am somewhat experienced. I hand fed both my grey's. May not be a macaw but still a bird and still same concept just bigger. I am aware of all the dangers of hand feeding. I also have a very good friend of mine who breed's blue and golds but i didn't want a blue and gold and Bayshing dont like blue and golds so that wouldn't fit for us. I am not typing any of this in protest to anything anyone has said i promis. I really do understand everyone's concern i am just calming your fears and setting concerns straight. I dont know if the breader lied or not. My vet brought up a good point and said that some times they will post the date the first egg hatched and it can take up to a week for all eggs to hatch so it is possable their was no lie intended. I am not bashing any breader. Thats not what i wanted. Just wanted everyones input on her age. She is a very healthy (be it young) baby. And you will all be able to watch her grow.