Baby green cheek conure


New member
Oct 21, 2024
green cheek conure
This is my first time owning a green cheek conure. I bought it last night and brought it home. Once it warmed up a little, he did explore his big new cage and played, ALOT, with his toys. He even ate some pellet, nuts, millet and drank water. However, I was given a hatch certificate with a date of August 24th on it. Everything I have read says that it's not safe to fully wean babies until 8 weeks old. When I contacted the breeder on October 8th, she said he was fully weaned and ready to go. Which would have made him 6 weeks old at that point. Do I need to be feeding him something different for fat content?
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Welcome and be welcomed.
You can try offering some baby parrot formula (make sure to follow directions on temperature and concentration), if he takes it, fine. it does not hurt to offer it.
Okay I will try this! I am just worried he was taken off of formula too early or forced weaned instead of abundance weaned. Should I syringe feed him formula is he will take it or just put some in a bowl for him to have? He seems to be eating fine, I think. I don't know what his normal is, but I do plan on monitoring his weight starting today.
According to my math you're off by 2-3 days. If he's eating and playing with what you have I wouldn't sweat it. And welcome to the forum.
I still offer baby food to my 9 yr old Amazon occasionally, just from a small spoon with bent up sides. He loves it. Good for administering meds if needed one day.

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