Aviary Life

Thanks for all the pix..everyone looks great!!! Your flock is beautiful. .how do they handle the snow?
The aviary is wrapped up tight and they are adapted to the cold as long as I keep the wind off them, which I do. The hardest thing is to keep them from trying to bathe as I fill the water dish!!

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This morning I packed up my handy-dandy cooler brooder and headed to Virginia to pick up some babies! I’m still getting my own pairs set up but some of my friends had babies and due to some serious health issues (for the humans not the birds) were willing to entrust them to me.

So it’s an 8 hour drive each way plus stops and I obviously spent some time with my friends chatting... it’s almost 1am and the babies and I just stopped so I can feed them and take a nap in the car! We will finish the drive after I get a little bit of sleep lol.

The oldest is a single factor Violet and not related to the other 3.

The youngest 3 come from a Dark Factor blue aka Cobalt male, and a pallid female, so each chick has a 50/50 chance of being cobalt, and any males are split pallid.

The oldest blue is a cobalt, and if it is a female I’m keeping her :)

The youngest two haven’t broken pins yet.

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Oooohhhh cobalt....I need a cobalt in my rainbow.... can't wait to see these ones grow!
So cute! I’m glad your friends can count on you to take care of these sweeties ❤️

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I’ll share some more pics probably later today or tomorrow; right now we are just adjusting to the new schedule. They are a loud bunch!

Anyone ever done pendulum sexing? I thought it was silly until a highly respected breeder in the show rabbit community and a friend of mine told me she does her rabbits that way.

The guy I got these babies from did it on these guys and I’m I interested to see what the DNA says. According to the pendulum the Violet and youngest babies are male, and so is the man I got them from, and the two oldest blues and I are female. It was very interesting to watch!

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The guy I got these babies from did it on these guys and I’m I interested to see what the DNA says. According to the pendulum the Violet and youngest babies are male, and so is the man I got them from, and the two oldest blues and I are female.

How exciting that you’re finally going to do the DNA to confirm that you’re female! [emoji23][emoji23] kidding of course. I’ve known people who do this to pregnant bellies and swear it works. It will be interesting to hear what the DNA says about your little ones.

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I ran around the house trying it on the other pets but I have this doubt in my head that I’m somehow swinging it subconsciously.

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The harness training has begun! And of course we had people over for the Vikings game last night (many frowns were frowned in this house) so babies got their first taste of socializing with strangers. If you look closely you can see the blue and Violet pins breaking.

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Got some special additions in today!

When the breeder I got them from originally responded to my messages I didn’t get back to him immediately... because I was in labor! Since then we have dealt with one or both of us having bizarre weather at any given moment, and now, almost 5 months later, they are here!!

Kazia, blue female

Tejon, Violet turquoise male (but he looks very different from Royal, my other Violet turquoise male, so
I’m interested to take comparison pics and explore that)

Adolin, Double factor Violet pallid male

And Shallan, turquoise harlequin :)

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What a difference a week can make!!

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It never ceases to amaze me the difference even a day can make at that age, much less a week! One of my most treasured experiences was watching Bixby change and grow from one day to the next while visiting him as a baby.

They look like they are going to be a gorgeous set of birds, one and all!
I posted a while ago about raising some baby budgies for a freind. The others have gone to their new homes but Carlin (named after Dan Carlin; my husband is a fan) had a bad infection when she came to us (just another hazard of buying unweaned!) because of the complications of that she is still hand feeding. It’s funny because of the 4 babies she was the one I was sure I wouldn’t keep, but through her struggle I got too attached!

It’s been a while since the last of the foster budgies left us and I decided I could no longer live life budgie free. My husband has asked me to stop taking budgie fosters but he is allowing me this sweet girl and she is such a joy! After our recent devastation her cheery attitude and sweet singing are extremely welcome. She has just started flying; she’s a bit delayed due to the infection but she is a go-getter! I tried to get a good picture but she doesn’t sit still!

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One budgie isn’t too many, right?

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She’s adorable! And I’m sure one isn’t too many....just not sure if I could stop at one myself :)
Well there was an ultimatum involved. Someday I want to build an aviary just for budgies and Cockatiels that have been discarded by their owners.

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Remember when people were asking me what I was going to do with my birds once I had a baby?

Well, this is the answer.


Nohea has graduated from not caring at all about Levi to giving him the occasional kiss and then flying off again.

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1) I have no time for people who ask stupid questions like that.

2) so sweet! ❤️❤️

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Me (trying to leave the aviary and being mobbed by birds): GO AWAY!
Me: no! Go away!
Royal: go on! Go go go! (As he makes heart wings to my toes and tries to step up on my foot)
Me (shaking Kaleo and Isana off my back): All of you back off!
Royal: Ooooooohhhh! (Rebel and Ransom follow his lead to try to play with my feet)
Me: you guys I have to leave!
Me (again trying to shake Kaleo and Isana off my back): KALEO!
Royal: KALEO! Kaleo!

Yeah... and people tell me Ringnecks turn wild lol.

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Hahahahaha! I love it!

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