August 2023 POTM Contest!

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View attachment 53622

Official entry: I have always seen videos or interacted with other peoples’ parrots who liked to roll and wrestle, but never have one of my own done it - until today! Broccoli flew to my lap and wrestled with my hand, then rolled over onto his back to grab his toy - until he caught his foot instead!

The little squint he gave me was so pleased looking though! He knows he’s as cute as a button.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww, it looks like he wants you to scritch his head all at the same time. Beautiful! :love:
View attachment 53622

Official entry: I have always seen videos or interacted with other peoples’ parrots who liked to roll and wrestle, but never have one of my own done it - until today! Broccoli flew to my lap and wrestled with my hand, then rolled over onto his back to grab his toy - until he caught his foot instead!

The little squint he gave me was so pleased looking though! He knows he’s as cute as a button.
I just love this picture! It reminds me of my Tom so much! 😍
Know the look well, Salty is a rare Amazon in that he likes (sometimes) to wrestle on his back in my hands or hanging by a toe from his play chain. Geri says its terrifying to watch, as he looks like he is tearing my fingers up, but he does so almost gently.
Ooooo finnaly I will do something productive on my life.
Here's coco,he's silly.
(Official entry!)

I've also took more pictures. (Bruh yeah it's for fun)


(He's a bit sad on the latest one too)
This is Limón smiling mischievously thinking she has stolen my half almond when in reality it was for her all along (don't tell her, she's very happy about it).

This is Limón smiling mischievously thinking she has stolen my half almond when in reality it was for her all along (don't tell her, she's very happy about it).

View attachment 53790
Oh she is so cute and she does have a mischievous smile there! Is this an official entry?
The contest is now closed and the poll is up.
Because the poll is so late this evening, it will close on the evening of Aug. 31 so please hurry and get those votes in!

August 2023 POTM Poll!

Good luck everyone!!!
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