At a loss for how to feel or react (vent)

How are you and your birdy doing?
Last night he had another episode of flying in circles and then being out of breath and puking, it was probably the worst it's been. With as bad as it was I think he's doing as good as I could expect today. He's definitely tired, but he's still eating, drinking, preening, and chatting a little. And when he's out he's excited to sit with me and my husband. I did contact another vet today, they were immediately a lot nicer and more open with me so I'm excited to bring him there, it's just farther away so that'll be a battle with his car sickness. They also don't have an appointment till the 30th so we're waiting for that and for the old vet to send records. They put me on a call list to maybe get a sooner appreciate in case someone cancels. I'm trying to keep a level head with him and to tell myself that it'll be okay, I'm just incredibly stressed over the whole situation. And hopefully I'm not over sharing but my husband was in a car accident recently and I've been taking care of him too and taking him to appointments and stuff. So overall I'm just kind of stressed out and on edge bit I'm trying my best to get through.
I'm so sorry to hear of your birds episodes, and of your husband. Healing wishes to your family.

I think its very wise to get a second opinion, i so hope they will help.

Share away, that's why we have this forum, and everyone is so supportive
Thank you so much for the healing wishes. Java is more active now, I think he honestly just likes nighttime better because he always gets more active later and happier later in the day
I tried posting this early in the morning but I guess it didn't work. A quick update on Java, last night he finished up this course of meds which I'm happy about because I know it was stressing him out. And yesterday he flew around the house a bit, not quite as much as he usually does when he pukes and breaths hard but still a decent amount, and he ended up not puking and only breathing a little heavy. Now we're just holding our for the new vet appointment on the 30th or a call to schedule sooner (fingers crossed for the latter)
Another update, he was flying short distances today and doing well and then he pushed it too far and did too much and had breathing issues again. No puke this time but after he calmed down from breathing so heavily his breaths were just kind of shallow. I called the new vet we're going to go to and they made a note and said if he starts clicking, wheezing, or whistling when he breathes or if any blood comes out of his mouth or nose, or any other discharge that I should bring him in for an emergency visit. He's now hours later sneezing quite a bit and he's got me all frazzled again. I'm having my freak outs away from him that way I don't stress him out. This is just really stressful and I feel so helpless because there's nothing left for me to do other than wait.
this sucks....did you have any luck with yogurt? Yogurt can really help balance if this is a minor yeast overgrowth issue.
Any one of us would freak and stress in this situation.
Extra warmth helps, I am a big fan of the sweeter heater, smallest size they have on Amazon, and still set it back a few inches from cage. And weigh your bird every few days during this .
I'm really hoping the new vet will help
We tried the yogurt again, still no luck but I'll keep trying, we have been weighing him for the last three days and I meant to update on that too, he's actually gained a little bit over the past few days. He was 68 then 69 then 71 today. I'm trying to keep a level head, he's been sneezy before and we got through it, it doesn't mean he's just gonna pass out of nowhere but I'm just thinking of the worst possibly outcome and it feels like I can't stop...
Maybe mix it with a little applesauce. Or you can buy the bird probiotic powder sold at oet stores and sprinkle over food. Do not add to water
Just another quick update, Java's appointment is set for the 30th still. I was anxious about it being so far out and was hoping for sooner but we made it through, he's doing overall better I would say, keeping a good consistent weight, eatintg, drinking, playing a little (he doesn't usually play a ton anyway, but we've been working on it) whenever he does short flights he's been okay. But this past week or so he's gotten so terribly aggressive with both me and my husband. Anytime he needs to go back to his cage or be moved temporarily, or most anything really he bites hard. He's been consistently cutting me and it's just made me so sad, he hasn't been like this since I first started working with him when he was three months old. Again, I'm just so stressed, hoping that the vet visit will give me insight and ease my mind a little.
You hang in there. I'm holding you in my heart... the old Rickeybird and I will be heading in for a stressful vet-visit on the 30th, too. This site is always the first place I come for advice and support. I'm so glad you found it, too. It's our Community. :)
You hang in there. I'm holding you in my heart... the old Rickeybird and I will be heading in for a stressful vet-visit on the 30th, too. This site is always the first place I come for advice and support. I'm so glad you found it, too. It's our Community. :)
You and your Rickeybird are in my thoughts as well <3 healing wishes and happiness for you and your birdy
I know it's been so long since I've updated this and I feel a bit silly coming back after so long but I had a ton of stuff going on personally so it just slipped my mind. Good news though! The new vet I took Java reviewed the x-rays the original vet took and said she didn't see anything abnormal and that he's all muscle and healthy. The only issue she could come up with for him was that his puking likely came from anxiety, she told me that if I felt off or anything that I could immediately get him rescheduled and was so much kinder than the original vet. He hasn't had any issues with the puking since, he's been scratching his eyes and nose a bit as of the last week or so, so I may contact her and get him set up but other than that we're good.
Thank you for the update! You are doing great- glad you are continuing to be so vigilant!

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