Ask Long-tailed Parakeets / psittacula longicauda


New member
Dec 25, 2019
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Hello all, im just new parrot care i got several lovebird. But when was a kid my step dad had rainbow lorikeet & manny bird. & then he go, so the bird go with him.
Just get back to parrot care, so i had medium bird or parrot care, got several hours after work & take care family with wife, 1 son & soon new born baby, i have house can handle parrot noise with sound proof wall.

Can any body help me life span of psittacula longicauda / Long-tailed Parakeets ? i rehome this parrot at age 6 month so he got attitude gentle & cudly. Does he go nip harder & can draw blood wheen reach maturnity at 3 years age? (i read some site 3 years taken when reach adult, so parrot goes to adult they like cranky tenanger mostly so)

i update the name species parrot is: psittacula longicauda modesta

Pardon me my English, not my native language
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Welcome to you and your fid (=feathered kid)!
I think these are very hard questions to us because they aren't common and probably no one here has experience with them. For example next to my town lives a breeder with few Psittacula species, including rare ones but he doesn't have long tailed parakeets. I can't really help, I only checked on World Parrot Trust side what is their long span - this isn't recorded:eek:
This would be great if somebody could find some more informations. In this case of lack infos, I think also a good solution is reading about other Psittacula parakeets. I think they should have some common things but then notice: this genus is various. This is almost sure, this is going to be diverse into smaller genera. In the current sugestion long tailed parakeet is going to be the only one species in its new genus. I know almost nothing about them but I write it because this may mean they can be "other" than other Psittacula's
Ps. Don't worry about English, my English also isn't very good;)
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