Ask for your opinion on that sudden death of my budgie

Sorry, I do not understand with the helping the others...
The other text is probably too difficult for me, I will ask you today during the day on private message, I am not able to translate it now... but reading about passing birds is too much for me, thanks...
Sailboats message means :
You are loved- your bird loved you and you loved your bird. It is hard to process....It will get better. It wasn't your fault. Your bird is free now!
noodles, thanks. I did have an energy to read it in that late time, but I will read it later. Thank you for your comments.... I know Vitko, Bilko and my other previous budgies are doing great in another life, I did good that I apologised them before the death for my sins.

I will give you an example : Like I have 4 budgies now, 2 adult females ( Vitko s partner ) and Glory ( another female ) and 2 children from Vitko and Cicinka ( one of the adult females ), and the young female budgie seems to dominate Glory and she use to fall down and lands on the floor, I do not know how to handle this situation without being anxious from that.... I im stressed, my head is burning from the anger.... Should I keep them separately in the rooms? This is hard.
I do not think my budgies had a reason to love me, I was not such gentle on them.:-(
The point is, you are trying to do better now and will not make the same mistakes. Be gentle in the future (I know you will be).
Birds can bond to someone even if that person isn't great to them all of the time---familiarity is important to them.

If your bird is fighting with another bird and throwing it to the floor, separate them. They could be in the same room in many cases, but separate the cages.

my birds are not in the cages. My female Glory who had 2 previous owners, has some stress feathers and limited flying. She uses to visit the another room where are the children of Vitko and Cicinka ( albino female budgie ). It seems to me that Vitko s daughter uses to dominate her or she is herself scared of her.... I want to leave the space between those 2 rooms for them to move from one room into the second room. When I see those shy budgies who are scared of me, I have just addictive relation towards them without any great love probably.
My previous budgies were not bond to me, I think.... Those deaths are forcing me to think about whether it is right to buy another males in March. And how to choose and find some dominant male.... it is hard.

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