Are severe macaws destructive?

Personally I was laughing st all the destruction parrots were causing, and the ful moon and parrot chewing, and that beautiful ekkie such great photos and her by the blinds that were destroyed looking like "what! Nothing to see here!" I'm typing on a phone my quaker s have chewed on. I think we need a whole new thread of funny not so funny parrot destruction. I enjoyed seeing the stories.

I get irritated by their antics and destruction but can’t stop laughing at it. It’s so comical at times.every day something is new. I love their antics and their surprises.

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Taw5106 your girl is very beautiful and so naughty! I love the “no mum the blinds looked like this before I got here” look on her face, it’s priceless:) Any bird can be destructive, a cockatiel destroyed a wooden frame on my French doors before I even knew what she was up to. Bad girl.... but so beautiful it was impossible to be angry with her.
The severe I have been fostering spends about 3 hours every day trying to chip away at her acrylic food bowls. She doesn't really care to destroy her toys but she has already ripped about 4 keys off of my keyboard and broke a glass cup by chucking it off the table. I wouldn't say she is any more or less destructive than my eclectus. They are both into everything.
There is a keyboard-demolishing conspiracy going on here:
the macaw will go for the first strike, and when I put her back in the cage in the vague hope she will learn from it and not do it again, Appie the african grey will go in stealth-modus and before I am back at the keyboard will have removed 3 or more keys.
(The positive part is she only rips them out and drops them, when Sunny grabs them they are automatically mangled beyond repositioning.)

Sorry OP: yes, all parrots love to 'play' aka destroy things.
Severe macaw or not ..they have this woodchipper on their faces and they hate boredom...
I think the formula for parrot destruction is:

The sum of [(Length of top beak + length of bottom beak) on a plane of 180 degrees x any solid substance that will fit within these limits x how much you love, value or need the object + how new it is x how difficult it will be to replace - how old it is and how u bothered you by it] somehow all of this to a power of 10! Of course, this does not factor in the time and sound manipulation techniques employed by the feathered beastie that somehow mean a second of silence can = unrivaled destruction.

I am being flippant, but yes, all parrots are destructive and some individuals like it more than others. You won't be able to have a happy bird that doesn't have the opportunity to destroy things.

Please keep researching general parrot keeping and also specific species and be open to what you find out while you work out what is right for you.
I think the formula for parrot destruction is:

The sum of [(Length of top beak + length of bottom beak) on a plane of 180 degrees x any solid substance that will fit within these limits x how much you love, value or need the object + how new it is x how difficult it will be to replace - how old it is and how u bothered you by it] somehow all of this to a power of 10! Of course, this does not factor in the time and sound manipulation techniques employed by the feathered beastie that somehow mean a second of silence can = unrivaled destruction.

this is bloody brilliant!!
Jottlebot's Theory of Beakativity!

B = Jb 2
Thought I would bring ya'll up to date on yesterdays damage report.

1 dresser

1 more remote control

And piece de resistance

1 brand new monitor which was purchased to replace the one that was destroyed a week ago. This monitor lasted 4 days.

All this was accomplished in less than 15 minutes.:mad:

Tell me again why I rescued this U2:confused:
Thought I would bring ya'll up to date on yesterdays damage report.

1 dresser

1 more remote control

And piece de resistance

1 brand new monitor which was purchased to replace the one that was destroyed a week ago. This monitor lasted 4 days.

All this was accomplished in less than 15 minutes.:mad:

Tell me again why I rescued this U2:confused:

Wow that’s a record, lol! My newest issue, Buddy keeps trying to eat the window trim. He’s been in time out at least twice a day, lol.

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