Are IRNs only for advanced owners?

My first bird was a parent raised IRN. He was the most adorable, cuddly, fun loving bird ever. IRNs make great pets, but be aware they're not like conures. My IRN was an exception, most do not like being petted beyond simple head scratches. Also, there is a chance your conure and IRN could hate each other.
I have a well over 30, probably closer to 35 year old IRN. He loves to groom me, but doesn't like to be touched to much. I can however hold him to trim his nails, etc. He has never bitten anyone, and everyone LOVES him. The only downside is his noise level. He has an ear piercing screech that seriously makes my ears ring, and he does it on and off all day, and sometimes at night. Sometimes they last up to an hour.
For an example of how loud they are... my galah (rose breasted cockatoo) is quieter than the neighbours IRN. In volume, call type and frequency! And my bird has an anxiety issue that means if we look like we are leaving he starts calling. The neighbours bird STILL outdoes Manny LOL

The neighbours IRN screams starting at sunrise (4am or so) and lasts until about 9am. Then he screams throughout the day as he feels fit. If there is a peewee (magpie lark) in the yard, he screams even louder to outdo the peewee! He screams in the afternoon until about 7pm. We can hear him, with our house closed up completely. :( When we first moved here it used to drive me crazy.
He also screams in response to ANY whistle sound or human voice in the yard.
Personally, I would never own an IRN :p But there are die hard fans out there, so there has to be a reason they are one of the most popular birds to trade here in Aus. People are still handrearing them. Maybe its their pretty looks?
All I know is volume wise, call type and frequency of noise is horrible LOL
My roommate's cockatiel and gcc are way, way louder than my irn. Really depends on the individual.
I think noise level also depends on age. My amazon was a very quiet baby, and now at close to 7 his noise level has increased. My IRN is about 35, and is the LOUDEST parrot I own. The above statement about the screaming all day, whenever he feels like it, is 100% correct! Younger parrots are quieter, but as they reach sexual maturity the noise level will increase. IMO...
Ollie is 7 months, left alone he'll screech about once an hour. ( I've recorded it)
If we're in the house and leave the room hell call out but in general he's quiet.
In experience level I'm unsure. He's my first bird and easy to keep.
Once you've done your research it's easy to follow with any bird?

Ollie will step up and be handled but prefers to perch somewhere else ( cage or top of tv) doesn't mind he head stroked but prefers not to be touched...
Listens with intent on most conversations, has said "hello" once but never repeated.

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