Anyone with a hen MP?

Still not getting the webinar but read your other links. Really good info! This afternoon after bringing her in from outside I changed her water, gave her, her treat cup, tried her almond treat again thru cage bars but she wouldn't take it from me. She looks really interested though! But she just can't bring herself to do it.

I hate seeing her stuck in the cage so I decided to leave her door open and go do something else- it's a bird safe room so she'd be ok out and about in it but then wouldn't you know it? when I came back into the room she was still in her cage! Hindsight, I thought better of it later on because how would I get her back in if she did go out? I suppose I could do like the lady in the link and put some almonds in her cup to entice her back in. I definitely wouldn't want to towel her and ruin whatever progress we have.

She still stares at the same one toy and ignores the other toys, it's kind of funny actually. She seems really sweet and does seem happy here, just shy and scared.
You might try seeing if there's another treat that she prefers over almonds. :)

But hey, I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to just walk by the cage and drop the treat inside! In that way, she can still associate you with something desirable because you delivered the favored treat! :)

As she gets more comfortable with you, you can try giving her her treat, then standing back a few feet and allowing her to eat it. (however many feet away that she is comfortable eating her treat with you there) As she gets accustomed to you, you can stand closer and closer to the cage, and perhaps, in time, feed her the treat directly!
Just as a heads up, the webinar link will expire in 1 week.

I'm not sure what browser you are using, but maybe using Puffin or Photon might help?
Hi Monica,

The MP was rehomed today to a wonderful home ( Thanks Silversage!) She also has another MP and Ringnecks.
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You have a huge heart :)

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