Anyone know what this could be. Emergency?

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  • #21
Someone on the thread is swearing it is a major sinus infection, the worse they ever saw. Idk. I am not experienced in the least. i just pray for this baby. It burts me to see something in so much distress. Please pray for this baby.
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  • #22
I just wanted to update everyone that was kind enough to respond. This little one passed away the other night. The woman took him to her frind's house whose brother was a vet tech and the he had his professor take a look. The professor claimed he had a tumor and was too sick to help. This little one was wild caught, so I guess it is anyone's guess what this was although I steongly agree with those that mentiond a mite infestation. It is heartbreaking to see things like this. Thank you all again so sorry to geing such sad news.
That is heart breaking, but at least the little guy is no longer in pain:(
Oh!!!! D: poor poor baby!! I have no idea what could be wrong but aw poor little thing!! :(

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