Anyone in colorado want some finches?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
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Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
I work at petsmart and theres this trio of society finches that are just... so good. I desperately dont want them to be split up but I cant take them myself. They will cuddle up in the nest together, bathe together, they're just super sweet and good friends. I'm not sure of age or gender but there is at least ONE female and they are egg laying age.


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ignore the added turtle photo... I accidentally clicked on it and couldnt remove it...
I also might be able to figure out age. I can check next time I work and get a rough estimate
I’ve been wishing I still had finches but I’m nowhere near you.

They are very cute.
it looks like one was bought on the days I didnt work :( the other 2 are still here but the one I nicknamed John is now gone
I know this is really old, but what ended up happening to the other two?

I used to work at a Petco when I was in college. We had this incredibly sweet female rat who had skin issues from being in the aquarium-style caging with too many other rats (ammonia from their urine wrecks their respiratory systems and can cause skin problems).

I wanted to take her home so badly, but my (now ex) husband thought rats were gross and said his mother wouldn’t come visit us if I did (TBH, that was a huge PRO, not a CON, lol!). She ended up getting sold to someone as a feeder while I wasn’t there. I’m still sad about it and that was more than ten years ago.
I know this is really old, but what ended up happening to the other two?

I used to work at a Petco when I was in college. We had this incredibly sweet female rat who had skin issues from being in the aquarium-style caging with too many other rats (ammonia from their urine wrecks their respiratory systems and can cause skin problems).

I wanted to take her home so badly, but my (now ex) husband thought rats were gross and said his mother wouldn’t come visit us if I did (TBH, that was a huge PRO, not a CON, lol!). She ended up getting sold to someone as a feeder while I wasn’t there. I’m still sad about it and that was more than ten years ago.
theyre still here :(
they're doing well though. I'm glad they still have each other but I wish I could get them a home together... I'm pretty sure the tan one is male and the brown one left is female.
Okay guys... I might be caving. If these birds are still here in 4-5 months I think I'm gonna bring them home... all 4 of them. Yes you heard me, 4.

A couple days ago petcare added 2 juvenile society finches into the cage with them. The original two (Augustine and Mercymorn) were rather unsure of them the first day but I saw no fighting, they just seemed to keep their distance. Day 2 Augustine had warmed up to the juveniles and was even cuddling in the nest with them, Mercymorn was still keeping her distance though. She would only be in the nest if it was just her and Augustine, otherwise she just sat on this foraging toy we have in their cage or on the millet. She wouldn't even share a perch with them. TODAY she has decided they are worthwhile and will perch with them. I have named the new two Ianthe and Harrowhark. They're all named after characters from a book series I enjoy... here's some pictures:

Day 1:


Later: (Edit: marked this one wrong, the one on the left is Harrowhark. And Ianthe left the nest when I tried to take a picture)

Mercymorn: "Fine, I will sit on the perch with them but I am going to be as far away as possible"

Mercymorn finally caving and sitting next to them:

I still don't have adequate space for them but my living situation changes in 4-5 months so if there still there.... which I hope theyre not because I don't want them to sit in a crappy store for that long... but if they are.... I may just have to take them
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Okay guys... I might be caving. If these birds are still here in 4-5 months I think I'm gonna bring them home... all 4 of them. Yes you heard me, 4.

A couple days ago petcare added 2 juvenile society finches into the cage with them. The original two (Augustine and Mercymorn) were rather unsure of them the first day but I saw no fighting, they just seemed to keep their distance. Day 2 Augustine had warmed up to the juveniles and was even cuddling in the nest with them, Mercymorn was still keeping her distance though. She would only be in the nest if it was just her and Augustine, otherwise she just sat on this foraging toy we have in their cage or on the millet. She wouldn't even share a perch with them. TODAY she has decided they are worthwhile and will perch with them. I have named the new two Ianthe and Harrowhark. They're all named after characters from a book series I enjoy... here's some pictures:

Day 1:



Mercymorn: "Fine, I will sit on the perch with them but I am going to be as far away as possible"

Mercymorn finally caving and sitting next to them:

I still don't have adequate space for them but my living situation changes in 4-5 months so if there still there.... which I hope theyre not because I don't want them to sit in a crappy store for that long... but if they are.... I may just have to take them
I don’t have anything helpful to add, but did you name them after the characters in Harrow the Ninth, or is that just an incredible coincidence? Heh!
I don’t have anything helpful to add, but did you name them after the characters in Harrow the Ninth, or is that just an incredible coincidence? Heh!
they are 100% after harrow the ninth x'D
Nice. I can’t get over Mercymorn and Augustine. Mercy not wanting to sit with everyone is too perfect.
Nice. I can’t get over Mercymorn and Augustine. Mercy not wanting to sit with everyone is too perfect.
The third that I posted in the original was John... i guess this is the timeline they did "get rid" of him.... (he got adopted)
What are the chances they'd just get more birds if you took them? :/

Thank you for sharing the photos, your naming and captions are so perfect!!! 😍
Sigh... so Ianthe is in Iso due to acting funny. I've been told shes doing well but they usually stay in iso ~2 weeks after symptoms stop.
Augustine was adopted last week.

So it's just Harrow and Mercy in the enclosure now and Mercy is really upset. She will cuddle with Harrow for most of the day but she will also flit around the cage and contact call a lot which she never did before. it breaks my heart...
They’re really out there screwing with all the ‘ships, huh?

In all seriousness, poor babies.
I'm (relatively) happy to admit I was WRONG. Augustine was NOT adopted and was actually in isolation as apparently he was a little ill. well he has recovered and rejoined Harrow and Mercy. They still won't let us move Ianthe back in with the group which I don't really understand why since Augustine was able to rejoin them.

I also got a new phone so have some better pictures of them!

I brought up the subject of getting more birds to my mom and she was NOT having it.... I'll work on her some more...
OOPS i posted Ianthe twice. Here's Mercymorn!:

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