Anyone Have Labs???

I had a Yellow Lab named Luke, but he passed away last year. :(


The Dogs I have now are both Mutts. One is a Blk Lab/Coonhound mix and the other is a Shep mix. There pictures are in the thread in this section called "Couldn't help myself".
Well then Lilly Bird, how bout some pics of your labs, I don't have labs myself, two mutts, Alsation x Lurcher, and the other one well he's a bit of everything I think.
Goodness....I need a dog. I wont get one for another year and a half or so. I am either going to get a Boston Terrier or rescue a german Shepard that came into the vet clinic that I work at a total mess. He probably wont go for adoption for another year or so! Skin and bone....actually the skin was folding all over him since he had no meat on him. He had mange, K/C, heartworms, and god knows what else.
That poor Shephard, they are wonderful dogs to have. Terriers are real hard work, as they have a mind all of their own, Easy to train, but will do things when and if they want to. lol.

I have a terrier here and he is wonderful, but so stubborn :eek: :D
Skin and bone....actually the skin was folding all over him since he had no meat on him. He had mange, K/C, heartworms, and god knows what else.

Things like that just make me so mad! :mad: :mad: I hope the dog get better.
Yip I have a wee lassie ,her name is Ami. Ami is 9yrs black and working other words looks like a wee walrus.
She is thee most laid back dog Ive ever had.
People have suggested thats because shes knacked, I take her out wi ma horse Zac. He is 18 also black and the best life coach u could ever hope to meet. Zac short for prozac as he is also my antidepressant .
I follow a holistic and homeopathic approach for these guys...much to local vets horror.They would like to burn me at stake me thinks.
However as they are both a good age and pretty perky I thumb my nose in their general direction.
My horse is also bitless and unshod.
I have also rehomed loads of other animals over the years that have been ill treated.

Also had a wee hedgehog live in my kitchen for the winter.He was called Bracken ,really cool, really tame loved getting under chin rubbed. He went to school wi the kids who were wee then and became an ambasador for his kind
Here is my dog. She's awesome! Her name is Flurry. We got her at 4 months and couldn't really change the name as she was used to it. She is about 3 years old now.


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Here are a few picks of my Boston terrier - Torre named after Joe Torre the Yankees coach (yeah I'm from Texas and root for the Yankees I know I'm a little confused :))

She is not as sweet as my other Boston that died last year but she is soo funny she always makes me laugh!
[/IMG] that was here baby picture

and that is her now :)
Cute dogs. We have a boxer and she is the sweetest,most gentle and smart dog in the world. I love her like a child.I have no pics to post yet but i am getting there. Good to here from you Alison,How have you been?:)
Karen, maybe you could share some pics of your crew, they sound wonderful, Good for you thumbing your nose at the vets, if its working then thats great. And from the age of your Horse Holistic is certainly working.

Kelli I thought you had gone mad, I kept looking at the top pic, thinking well there all cuddly teddies, but then I saw your little guy. :D

Cash-money, that first picture is priceless, kinda like look I'm really not sitting on the sofa. :D

Bill I love Boxers they are beautiful. Alison is doing fine but she is really busy. She has just bought a Pet Store and has had to do it up from scratch. She seems to be doing okay though. But there isn't enough hours in the day at the moment.
Peta said:
Cash-money, that first picture is priceless, kinda like look I'm really not sitting on the sofa. :D

Yea, one day she just walked in and SAT on the sofa. I was going nuts. I thought it was awesome. My dad didn;t like it, but it was cute.
Wilma your guys are beautiful, or should I be saying gals there. :D

intenseintents I love your pretty little boys and that blue eye is adorable.
Their gals alright, never liked the boys too much. Guess its because i never had any before. My friends say i have a zoo at my house! LOL! They're not exactly wrong i think. Will be posting pics of the rest of my animal family soon. I love posting pics now, its rather cool everybody seeing what your family (the furries) look like and what every ones taste in birds and other kids are!

My mom says i'll have to post a pic of her as my biggest pet.LOL, she is crazy sometimes, but she said it!
we should start a whole new thread about all the rest of the families. lol i bet that one would fill up in no time. what other pets do all of you have have?

right now i have my 2 border collies ( 6 and 7 months)
Zeus my amazon
Pepper the cat
a 3 foot ball python
and 6 Rats
Here we go!!!! Here's the zoo!!!:p

Pikkie- Ringneck parakeet
Corrie- Border canary
Kodie- Eclectus parrot
Rolie- Cockatiel
Kiara- American pitbull terrier
Tammy- Mongrel
Thumper and Tibia- Bunnies
Vegeta, Ruby, Oliver, Saskia, Coco- Guinea pigs

Will post pics of all of them soon!!:cool:
Okay lets see

10 birds
2 dogs
1 cat
2 kids
1 hubby

Snakes and Rats :eek: :eek:
1 Handreared pet rainbow lorikeet.
2 pairs rainbow lorikeets
1 pr scalley breasted lorikeets
1 pr green cheek conures
1 central bearded dragon
2 fish tanks with two oscars in one and a mantis shrimp in the other
1 boxer.
1 wife:) :)

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