Anyone had experience with a parrot post stroke?

should I force her to eat now? she wont eat since last night, and is realllllly wonky Im not sure if shes tired , slept much? or overcoming to her injuries. I left her alone on top of her cage next to my other parrots cage perhaps she can rest easier like that but I may have to force her apple sauce n crushed pellets, i hate to force her but i gotta pick between that or leave her alone to get more rest.
I fooled around with my sick bird for a week, she would only eat tiny amounts. Ar that point she started to sleep all the time. WEAK from lack of food!" I git the baby burd feeding formula and she perked up so quickly and started to have the energy to heal and get better. The formula aldo has bird cultures in it that help the digestive system. I wish I would have done it so much sooner!!!!

Why are you not getting baby bird formula? You can add meds to that when yiu syringe ir spoon feed.

As my momma would say it's time to stop fooling around, and get real food with real nutrition into her.
What part if the country are you in?
Warmth helps burds heal 80-85 f temp
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Is there anything that she NEVER turns down (like a bit of a chip or something?) You could test to see how bad she is feeling by trying to give her a tiny bit of something junky but relatively safe (something she is obsessed with). If she turns down the thing she always eats no matter what, that will help you gauge how serious her appetite issue is.

Have you tried adding a tiny bit of pasteurized and non-fortified apple cider (like apple juice- but usually without the added vitamins) to some water to see if you could get some calories in that way? Don't leave the water with that in there for more than an hour or so, but it's just a thought.

When you say force-feeding, do you mean syringe or bent spoon or what? and what would you feed if you did force feed? Do you have parrot formula?
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An example
[ame=""]How To Take Care of a Sick Bird | Syringe Feeding an African Grey Parrot - YouTube[/ame]
Hoping to hear an update, that you got some food into her?
Thank you very much for your interest. I left her alone with my other bird and I think she got some rest, maybe around 4-5 i got most of the 1st meds in jelly inside of her., a little PB, some crush blueberries, that's where we are at.

Please understand, Its is all about HER way! this whole thing wouldn't have happened if it wasn't like that.

As I said Im kinda losing it some im a take it as it comes, I,ll keep trying new things, using reverse psy with my other parrot etc. whatever she eats is fine by me at this point. and if I gotta give her 2nd doses of meds at 11 thats ok.

I wonder If I should leave her alone more, or overnight somehow? It out weights the risk as she may sleep more n deeper alone VS she getting used to (bad habit of sleeping with me) i may wake her, not sure on that , she's sleepy all day, yet shell fly a little, and climb
getting meds in her what ever works us great.
But to heal she needs real food. Eggs have vitamin e and B, protein. I don't know exactly what you are getting her to eat. Its hard I know, ive had a month journey with sick burds. And I know from experience they get weak and go down hill without real nutrition.
I don't know hard it is for you to towel her and syringe feed? Or if you have a scale and can out her in a box and weigh her?
Yes trying to let them eat favorite is good. But there is a line when you have to take things in hand to get food in tgrm. At 8 days she has run through her reserves, and definitely need food.

You dont give enough details fir me to truly understand what's going on.

So all I can advice, restrict her activity, provide warmth, if she isn't eating enough on her own, towel her and slowly syringe food into her a beak full at time, even if you get bit, or it makes her mad. Track her weight, so you know how things are going .

Is it because of beak damage that she won't eat her normal diet?
If she will eat seeds give her seeds. I just worry if only sugary foods are given, she needs, fiber, fats, protein, and more complex carbs, and nutrition to heal.
I know it's so stressful. We all want her to get better.
From my own experience, there came a time when food was more important than medicine. And the baby burd formula helped my burds do much, and you can put the meds in that since you already have to grab them and towel them.
She is going to get weaker and sleep more without food. This just happened a couple of weeks ago with me and my sick burd Penny. I only was getting a few bites in her till I switched to baby burd formula.
Yes she will get wonky and weakness without food.
How can I help? Any questions?
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Great news, She decided to eat chicken and rice with me, some banana, and a little bit of liquid pellet. its still Gemma's world that's for sure. But then she heard me messing with her food bag and I poured a cup and she started eating from it!! she eats Tropical Carnival ( small hookbill) Im glad to give you the news, Im going to be easy and just wait till shes hungry and Ill offer the best she will accept. The baby food will be here tomorrow btw.
Happy news!!!!!! I been checking for your update!!!!
Great news, She decided to eat chicken and rice with me, some banana, and a little bit of liquid pellet. its still Gemma's world that's for sure. But then she heard me messing with her food bag and I poured a cup and she started eating from it!! she eats Tropical Carnival ( small hookbill) Im glad to give you the news, Im going to be easy and just wait till shes hungry and Ill offer the best she will accept. The baby food will be here tomorrow btw.

Good news Cyrus. You are doing the best you can for Gemma I'm sure. Resources are dependent on where you live in the world and where you live in a country. I have to order nearly everything for my parrots because of my location, excluding fresh veggies and fruit of course. Do you have difficulty obtaining needed items for your parrots based on your location?
No Elli I do not have that issue. Ive got a bunch of options now, as far as food. Im wondering how long is good for the antibiotic? its been a week now.
10 days is usually the standard, but depending on what vet says. hope she us eating more and more improvement.

My vet just said mixing medicine in a tiny amount if marshmallow fluff can really work to get meds in them.
My Amazon had a stroke from an enlarged heart. Lots of baby food and formula, unsweetened pedelyte. I use to make birdie bread (good recipes from Harrison’s) unfortunately my Amazon didn’t make it through. But I’m so happy to hear of the good update. You might want to get a scale and start weighing her so you can ensure proper weight gain. We even had to make sure doolie was always warm seen as the house gets cold at night and made a make shift enclosure to suit his needs seen as he wasn’t walking very well. (Even now I weigh the birds once a week just to make sure.)
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Hi, Thanks for chiming in. Did your bird improve and then die, how was she after the stroke and how long did she live?

Unfortunately people here filled her up with wheat bread she loves today and she wont eat anything else...

did the meds help?
Meds did help but I’ll be honest doolie lasted maybe a week until he dropped a lot of weight and stopped being himself. But my situation is different he wasn’t attacked , I took him from someone who didn’t take care of him...long story but my advice is too keep her warm and keep her hydrated and her weight at a good point by weighing her if you can’t afford a scale I’ll send you one and I mean it
The Omnivore intensive care formula arrived, She liked it!!!!!! Im very happy about this! She didn't care much at all for 2 different types of baby food. However shes been some fruits rice meat and seeds last 2 days.

i wonder it it would harm anything if I microwave it for a 5 seconds . Even cold it must taste good! she ate it all!

Gemma's toes are curling less, she's stronger and making normal sounding african grey noises. one leg is weaker. No way near the dexterity as before but yea she fought off a Hawk! otherwise id tell everyone you wouldn't believe this bird she used hang upside down with one claw and blow me kisses!

I have alot of hope for the future.
microwave not a safe way to warm food and damages the protein and stuff. What i did was mix in a coffee mug, then put water in a pot and put mug with food in the pot and warmed on stove, doesn't take much. Then I put pot on a towel and left mug in there. So as I drew out the food the rest stayed warm. Worked well for me .

So very happy to hear this great update!!!" What a lion heart she has!! Great job nursing her along.
How's our girl Gemma doing??
I'm hoping you will give a happy update!

What an amazing story of survival!

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