Anyone Else Get The "Where R U Going" Noise?


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
Hahn's macaw, RIP George, Jenday Conure
I went to leave for work this morning and for the first time my 10-month old Hahn's gave me this pathetic, "Where are you going?" noise.

It really broke my heart, and I went back twice to say "I'm sorry but daddy has to go to work for awhile today". He is learning to not fight fair. I'm scared of how good he will get at manipulation as he gets older!
Puck has a certain "goodbye" whistle that he makes when somebody he loves is walking out the door. It makes me want to run back to him and hug him. :-(
Tasha has this pitiful crying squawk when I leave the office. It lasts about 5 minutes and then she quiets down. Cameo used to do all the squawking but now saves her energy and lets Tasha do all the work.
Both Cameo and Tasha will give me the LIGHTS OUT squawk when I am working late and keeping them
I always interpreted it as, "Don't forget me! - Take me with you!"
But with my GCC it comes out as a low gravely "QUACK!"

I have to agree though - When they scamper to the closest corner of the cage to you as you walk towards the door; with twitchy wings and swelling eyes.

You cant help but walk back into the room with them!
Awww...they sure know how to tug those heart strings! I think because I'm home most times, I don't experience this. When I DO leave for a while, it's always a happy reunion.
It does break your heart, many times I have gone back just to make sure Mishka is okay. I tell him where I am going so he understands.
When he sees me dressed, he says mommy are you going to work, why mommy why....... I tell him yes mommy must go to work BUT I will see you later on.
When leaving for work yesterday, he told me mommy I want to go to work
They understand so much more than what we give them credit for.
When returning from work, first thing he says mommy I missed you today, I love you mommy......... then the fun and games begin for the night.
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Hah, Pixel does NOT make the cute, pitiful "please don't leave me" type of noises. Its more like "Get back here right now and LOVE ME!!! Who do you think you are?!??!".
When I leave my room Rosie makes a sad "peep........peep...........peep...........peep.........peep" She usually does it if I run out and didn't say "I'll be right back". When I say I'll be right back she still peeps but it doesn't sound as desperate. It's kinda funny I can tell the difference between her peeps which most people would think sound the same, but since it's her only consistent vocalization other then purring and the extremely rare pained screech I've picked it up lol.

When she makes the really sad sounding peep I run back in and tell her I'll be right back, and when I leave she does her normal come back peep.... It's still a little sad that I'm not with her but doesn't tear my heart out lol
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they are so good at it , i feel horrible when i leave and they do that
i got my bird on thursday and he already does this. to get my attention he makes a quiet honk, but when i leave "ahhhhhh come back" lol.
My Eclectus actually asks me "Where are you going" and then will respond "I'll be right back". He wouls say this sometimes when he see's me leaving or just at random hahahahaha.
Hiccup only makes that sort of noise when she sees me putting on my work uniform, other wise she knows I'll be back. I feel bad when I have to leave her along for long periods, so even if I'm down stairs, I make sure I go up stairs and talk to her and pet her about once every one or two hours
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I mostly get "the noise" when I get dressed for work as's becoming more expected now so the heart-string pull it had on me the first day he did it is wearing off, but I love the fact that he reacts in lots of different ways to our interaction with him.
Do they have us well trained or what? ;) Those noises described are as heart-wrenching as the heavy "Sighhhhhh" our Saint Bernard used to let out if we said "You be a good girl and guard the house" - which of course apparently meant "we are leaving you and abandoning you forever" to her!
Sunny and Bo both tell me "love you" in a very sad voice when I tell them I am leaving. The others just give me this really sad look. Breaks your heart.

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