Any tips appreciated...

Alexandrines have big beaks and big heads. The following website shows what blue alex's look like (non-hybrids)

Psittacula eupatria

In the Philippines, lovebirds are frequently called budgies or parakeets, so it's not rare for species to be mistakenly called another.

Does your indian ringneck receive food out of the cage or only in the cage?
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He gets food out of the cage only when we're training as treats. Otherwise, all food is in the cage.
I have a 4 month old Alexandrian Parrot, and he loves me, always flies to me when hes wiht someone else...and just always wants to be with me...but lately hes been flying to me and choose to bite me really hard and just claws scares me and i dont know what to do? can you guys heeellp!!!!!!
When your bird does something to you like that, put him CALMLY and quickly down. As soon as he bites too hard, twist your arm back and forth to unbalance him and force him to use his wings to regain his balance. Then put him down. Keep some treats (seeds or something) nearby so you can reward him for sitting quietly on your hand. He will soon learn that biting behaviour isn't worth it and good behaviour earns a treat.

Your bird is very young, so whatever biting or clawing behaviour he's doing can only be experimental. DO NOT punish him by shouting or poking at him! That will only make him want to bite as self defence. A lot of members like to do touch training (search on YouTube) as a means of distracting and focussing the bird's attention. I've found my Alexes are happiest when they're busy. That could mean foraging for food and toys in the cage or doing trick training or practicing flying and recall around the house. I reckon Alexandrines are very intelligent birds and need a lot of input to keep their minds busy. In return, you get a loyal, funny and clever companion who will be your little green shadow every day. :D

PS. Please let us know how you get on with your Alex. So many people come for advice but never let us know whether it worked or not.

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