Any chicken people?

We have had chickens since I was five. We had silkies first, then a mixture. I had a plymouth rock rooster. It was very friendly but not tame. We had it for 6 years, and he had quite a few chicks. It didn't cause any problems except when he fought with another rooster ( the other rooster fought with him actually). Now we have isa browns one silkie and some sort of smooth. My frizzle died yesterday. It looked like a respiratory disease helped by the stress of moulting and cold. My chooks are too tame, they really get under your feet. They aren't laying much at the moment, but we still get eggs.

Aww, your poor little frizzle! Terribly sorry about your loss.

Just curious, how many eggs do you normally get (excluding lately, as you said they aren't laying quite so much)?
Kind of a bitter-sweet story, sorry about your loss...

It is isn't it? They are pretty cool creatures, I loved watching them go about their business.... great eggs too. It was funny how the Dane's didn't bother with them at all, I'll see if I can find the photo of one of the chooks sharing the dogs dinner - pretty cute.

I'm glad it was just 1 that khan got, it could have been much worse.
We have four laying chooks ( the isa browns) amd we get ( when they are laying) 3-4 egg per day. My dad always does the chooks before school and he says he found my frizzle not looking good. Stupid dads! How hard is it to bring a chook inside and warm it up?

I don't know how to make these photo's bigger!?!
We have had chickens from the past 5-6 years now. We have them for the eggs. Make sure like someone had mention you have a safe, secured coop. We have ours in the barn and built an out door coop and when we hung the wire, we barried the wire underground so if any coons, coyotes (which we have many) possums etc. try to dig to get into the cage, the fence will prevent them from entering. After all the years we had chickens, never did we have a problem with critters getting in until last year. It was horrible. Something got in from the top, the wire tie had broke or worn and something got in, killing all but 3 of my chickens. I felt aweful. So make sure you check possible openings a few times a year. If you have any questions let me know, I may have some good answers for you. If not, my cousin "the chicken, bird lady" would. Good luck and have fun.
I haven't updated this in quite awhile, so I thought I would.

Well, my four 'Buff Wyandottes' turned out to be two White Plymouth rocks and two Amber Sex-links. The man who helped me choose the chicks was clearly not an expert; he didn't even give me a definitive answer as to what breed they were, he just said he 'thought' they were Buff Wyandottes. I was in a bit of a hurry, so I just had to take them home. Not a huge problem, it's just a bummer.

Worse yet, two grew up to be roosters! Now I have to rehome them, because I doubt my neighbors will put up with their crowing. They've already started crowing, since about two weeks ago. They're still just practicing (it sounds more like a child blowing through a kazoo), so I have some time before I can expect the neighbors to get upset. I'm not terribly happy about this. I was really hoping to have four hens.

So that's what has been going on with the chickens.

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