And then there were two 'toos.....



What an adorable photo!!! :smile015: :D

This pic is truly worth a thousand words! How absolutely precious!
How many more hours til pickup? :54: :54: ....and don't even tell me you're not counting down. :D
I love the name Flower btw. However, Chili will remain my first vicarious love [emoji7]
Yayyyy, today's the day! Can't wait to hear all about Flower's homecoming!
Today's the BIG day! YIPPEEEEEE!!! :D Told ya I was counting down with you.

Today's the day!!! WOOO!!!
I got up early because the stuff I needed to do yesterday, never got done (lol) where's my coffee????

I love the name Flower btw. However, Chili will remain my first vicarious love [emoji7]

Lol this made me crack up....I'll post some chili pics later because I know it's been a while and Karen needs her pink fluff monster fix LOL
True story! I've been in love with Chili for a long while now [emoji16]
Looking forward to seeing some "today" pics! :)
Well I'm pooped. What an incredibly long and exhausting day.... In 100*+ weather too....

She was a champ on the road

All of her perches, food, and toys

The cage

Hanging out while I put the cage together


Eating a few bites on top of the cage

Eating from her feeder

She's definitely a daddy's girl....

Tomorrow I'll spend more time decorating with toys and perches and get chili set up in the other more to come!!
Ohh what a nice cage. :) And a whole mess of lovely pics. Thanks for sharing.
Yay!! I'm glad Flower is settling well in her new home already. Helps that she already knew you :). The hard part is done! That's awesome that you got the nice cage, and can put it to good use with the two girls. Perfect! I hope it all goes smoothly with Flower and Chili :).
Well, you've certainly done your part, Shirre! Two beautiful birds, a mansion to share, and lots of love. The rest is up to Chili and Flower!!
Chili is currently hiding on the curtain rod lol I'm not sure if it's because of flower or the deadly manzanita stand that's lurking nearby......
Sweet photos! You've done an amazing job, Shirre! I'm thrilled the day went so well in spite of the hard work and intense heat.

What a gorgeous pair of Toos, twin divas! I hope they grow to like each other.
Oh what a beautiful pair of Galahs! Can't wait for more pics and updates! Congratulations!
An incredible amount of work... but you DID IT! Thanks for taking time to post all the photos - loved seeing the new cage and Flower as she settles in. I hope Chili realized that the manzanita tree is a friendly stand and not an evil, bird eating monster.

Keep the updates coming!
This was last night~ I think I need a couple more sheets to make a special cage cover for this gargantuan cage [emoji57]

I did get flowers side of the cage decorated and mostly finished, and today I'll have to get the other side ready for chili because her current cage is leaving tomorrow. I still have to take down the suspended grape wood gym because it's clearly in the way of this giant cage's new spot lol. So lots of work sill to be done today.....
Welcome home Flower! I love their cage. Are you going to set up both sides exactly the same so theres no jealousy issues or do both sides individual for each bird? Have the 2 been introduced yet? I hope they become friends!

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