Amputated toe

Thank you for taking him in.

Carla is a rescue bird too. She came to us in very bad shape. She had an e-coli infection among other problems and could not fly. I would have her on my shoulder and she would get startled by something and jump off. It sounded like a wet dish cloth hitting the floor. It was terrible. It was several months before she started to get wing strength back and would flutter to the floor.

A couple of weeks ago I took her outside for a walk on my shoulder. She suddenly took off and flew about fifty feet, landing in the grass. She still can't gain altittude, but we're not taking a chances and going outside until I figure out a way to make sure I don't lose her.

Thanks again!
Buddy is a beautiful bird... thank goodness he has YOU!
I have never cared for an injured bird, so I could be wrong, but maybe if you just feed him and play with him (as if he had all his toes)... he will adapt on his own. (I see one legged seagulls at the beach all the time & they keep up with their 2 legged counterparts superbly) I do agree that a comfort perch is a good idea.
Thank you for doing this. You're an angel to Buddy.
It will be four weeks in a few days since Buddy came into my home. Three days ago he allowed me to touch the top of his head. Today he let me rub his head and neck in the morning and hasn't stopped all day. he gently calls me over to him and then puts his head down and gets me to rub him over and over again. He will run his beak along my fingers and lick the skin once in a while. He gently plays with me then bends his head for another pet. I'd say in total I have petted/massaged him for at least two to three hours today in 10-15 minute increments.

He's like a kid with a new toy. Now that he's tried it he wants it over and over again and keeps calling me over to him. This has me very happy as he trusts me and with him being so gentle I trust him as well. Poor little fellow after being abused badly I never expected him to come around so quickly. I figured it would take a much longer time if at all. He must have went at least a year that I know of without any form of affection so I guess he is catching up right now. He is such a sweetheart. he is a fantastic addition to my family and has a home with us for as long as he lives.

Physically he is still getting stronger. He now has no trouble holding his food with his injured toe and regularly climbs the bars of his cage. Still not as much as my other parrot but it's been a big improvement. He no longer needs vitamins and is getting everything he needs from food. Next week he has another vet appointment to finally get his wing seen to. It droops badly and has since he got here. it doesn't seem to cause him any pain though. I want the vet to let me know exactly what is wrong with it, if it can be fixed, and if it is causing him any pain. I'll decide from there what I am going to do.

Thanks again everyone for all your help and kind words. I'm sure Buddy would thank you if he could. :)
It sounds like he is recooperating well. I would also suggest a boing now that he is getting stronger. It works well to help with balance and has the added attraction of being a toy and a perch. A bird that has to rebalance frequently will gain strength more quickly than with stationary footholds. Good luck with him.

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