

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2021
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Minnesota, USA
Eclectus Parrot: Nico (male)
Jenday Conure: Kiwi (female)
Sun Conure: Charlie (male)
Nico donated his Java stand to the shelter I used to volunteer at. For whatever reason he screamed bloody murder on this stand.

Now this beautiful Amazon is enjoying it! ❤️❤️❤️

I’ve thought about taking on another parrot. Amazon owners if I were to adopt one what are things you’d warn me about, or against? Please don’t hold back. I don’t want to take on more than I can handle. I already have 3 parrots.
Nico donated his Java stand to the shelter I used to volunteer at. For whatever reason he screamed bloody murder on this stand. View attachment 59607
Now this beautiful Amazon is enjoying it! ❤️❤️❤️

I’ve thought about taking on another parrot. Amazon owners if I were to adopt one what are things you’d warn me about, or against? Please don’t hold back. I don’t want to take on more than I can handle. I already have 3 parrots.
My number one warning ⚠️.
they bite hard.
they bite like a pit bull (my yellow nape Bingo does).
You don’t end up with just a bleeding body part but a bruised and bleeding body part.

If Bingo was looking at me the way the yellow nape in the picture is looking at camera I would not offer a hand for step up. That looks like a bird ready for vengeance.
My number one warning ⚠️.
they bite hard.
they bite like a pit bull (my yellow nape Bingo does).
You don’t end up with just a bleeding body part but a bruised and bleeding body part.

If Bingo was looking at me the way the yellow nape in the picture is looking at camera I would not offer a hand for step up. That looks like a bird ready for vengeance.
Thank you for the info. I didn’t realize they had a more significant bite. I generally respect my boundaries when I volunteer as I have no bond with any of the parrots. I never offer a step up unless the parrot specifically walks up to me, and in a nice manner. No 😂 I definitely didn’t stick out my hand for a step up with the yellow nape above. I value my hands. The tail was fanned which you can’t see in that photo too. He doesn’t let the owner of the shelter handle him either. She has to transfer him on a wood perch.
My number one warning ⚠️.
they bite hard.
they bite like a pit bull (my yellow nape Bingo does).
You don’t end up with just a bleeding body part but a bruised and bleeding body part.

If Bingo was looking at me the way the yellow nape in the picture is looking at camera I would not offer a hand for step up. That looks like a bird ready for vengeance.
hahaha, the bird does look that way
But yes like @texsize said they do bite quite hard, now i do not own one but in the bird store i work at we did have amazons for quite awhile and will be getting more, now the ones we did have would bite if you do not understand body language, another thing is at times the can make quite a bit of noise "at times" but its not that bad if you do own other birds.
Thank you for the info. I didn’t realize they had a more significant bite. I generally respect my boundaries when I volunteer as I have no bond with any of the parrots. I never offer a step up unless the parrot specifically walks up to me, and in a nice manner. No 😂 I definitely didn’t stick out my hand for a step up with the yellow nape above. I value my hands. The tail was fanned which you can’t see in that photo too. He doesn’t let the owner of the shelter handle him either. She has to transfer him on a wood perch.
I can see it in the way he is moving forward.
I can see it in the feathers around his head, they are lifted up just a little.
And his eyes aren’t quite pinning but not relaxed either.
Yeah, Amazon's CAN bite hard. Doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to take bites all the time. Quite the opposite as long as you pay attention to them. Amazons are really pronounced in their body language. They don't generally do subtle. I don't want to jinx it, but I've only taken one bite from my YNA in 5 years, and I freely admit it was my own fault. I was scratching her head and not watching. I moved in a way she obviously didn't like and she nailed me. If I was watching, it never would have happened.

I feel like amazons are more of a strike, where an angry ekkie is more likely to grab, grind, and scoop with the bottom beak. (So I'm told by some other ekkie folks) Once again, I'm very lucky that my Tucker boy absolutely has no intention of hurting me.

What I love about amazons is that you know exactly where you stand, as long as you listen to what they're telling you. They're sooooo much easier to read than an ekkie or a grey, who still tell you what you need to know, but they're more subtle sometimes. At least in my experience.

I'm probably the wrong person to ask, but if you find a zon that chooses you, I'd do it. (And I did even though I never planned on more than one! 🙄🤣 )

I should add, my Amazon doesn't tolerate my ekkie at all, and him being the consummate male ekkie, wants to love and feed her. They have to be out of the cages separately, for his safety. Even with that, he still tries to land on her cage, and she's attacked his feet a couple times, drawing blood. :(
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Yeah, Amazon's CAN bite hard. Doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to take bites all the time. Quite the opposite as long as you pay attention to them. Amazons are really pronounced in their body language. They don't generally do subtle. I don't want to jinx it, but I've only taken one bite from my YNA in 5 years, and I freely admit it was my own fault. I was scratching her head and not watching. I moved in a way she obviously didn't like and she nailed me. If I was watching, it never would have happened.

I feel like amazons are more of a strike, where an angry ekkie is more likely to grab, grind, and scoop with the bottom beak. (So I'm told by some other ekkie folks) Once again, I'm very lucky that my Tucker boy absolutely has no intention of hurting me.

What I love about amazons is that you know exactly where you stand, as long as you listen to what they're telling you. They're sooooo much easier to read than an ekkie or a grey, who still tell you what you need to know, but they're more subtle sometimes. At least in my experience.

I'm probably the wrong person to ask, but if you find a zon that chooses you, I'd do it. (And I did even though I never planned on more than one! 🙄🤣 )

I should add, my Amazon doesn't tolerate my ekkie at all, and him being the consummate male ekkie, wants to love and feed her. They have to be out of the cages separately, for his safety. Even with that, he still tries to land on her cage, and she's attacked his feet a couple times, drawing blood. :(
Actually you’ve been incredibly helpful. I can’t adopt an Amazon. I really cannot put Nico in any sort of harms way (he’s got a few impairments like a broken wing he really cannot defend himself, or get away). It wouldn’t be fair to him. I have him out all day long. If an Amazon were to not like Nico, that would take away from him. Nico is my best little buddy. He goes everywhere with me. It would be very important for me to have all of my parrots get along.
I understand completely. To be fair, Baxter doesn't go after Tucker at all unless he tries to put the moves on her. She doesn't fly unless absolutely necessary, and really has no interest in bothering him. He's fully flighted and wants nothing more than to be with her, the little horn dog. 🙄 If he could just leave her be, they could be out at the same time. But NOOOOOOO 🤣
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I understand completely. To be fair, Baxter doesn't go after Tucker at all unless he tries to put the moves on her. She doesn't fly unless absolutely necessary, and really has no interest in bothering him. He's fully flighted and wants nothing more than to be with her, the little horn dog. 🙄 If he could just leave her be, they could be out at the same time. But NOOOOOOO 🤣
Nico would be like Tucker. He would be trying to mate with a female Amazon, and he’d attack a male for coming anywhere near me (although he wouldn’t stand a chance). I have to protect him from himself. You were very helpful. I almost adopted an Amazon. They are beautiful & enchanting. I’ll just have to adore everyone else’s.
My Bingo doesn’t like other parrot species either.
One of my other amazons he tolerates climbing on his cage.
If one of my Cockatiels lands on Bingos cage accidentally we have to get there pronto.

my CAG has never landed on his cage but once landed next to Bingo in the kitchen.
I don’t know who was more surprised.
But I broke it up.
Bingo is bigger (biggest in the house) but he can’t fly and he knows it so he has a disadvantage
more likely to fight because he can’t fly away.
Depends on the AMazon species and the individual. Salty bites me occasionally, mostly when I'm gone for a weekend, but his are short puncture type bites from his upper bill. Just a quick .... jab.... and a dot of blood. And paying attention to his body language and knowing his moods makes things relatively bite free. DYHA's now, they uniformly hate me on site, a shame- I'd own one otherwise, and been bitten, badly, by more of these then all other parrots combined.
Thank you everyone for the tips about Amazon’s. I would have loved to adopt one. They are beautiful. All of you are so lucky to have one. I am jealous.

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