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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I am a bit worried about Bingo.
In the end I will probably be taking him to the avian vet next week (if he is not on vacation).
I don't like my avian vet as far as a making a good diagnosis goes. He always does the same thing. He find gram negative bacteria in the crop and gives me antibiotics.
Every Time.
Bingo has not been panting like he tends to do in winter but his breathing looks off.
It's like his whole body lifts up/down with each breath. Like his wings are raising and lowering from his shoulders. Not all the time just sometimes.
When he sits with me he just falls asleep he doesn't want to play and I have seen no hormonal activity with him.
I have also noticed he sometimes has slightly droopy wing tips. You know how the "fingers" of the wing if not tucked up all the way can be seen hanging lower than the rest of the wing?

The Twins.
Luna & Merlin are generally doing well.
One of the twins (Luna I think) sneezes more in the morning than all my big birds combined. Only in the morning. I should take both birds into the vet if for nothing else to get a DNA test.
Handling Merlin isn't much of a problem but Luna is very fearful and still 1/2 wild bird.
Getting Luna in a transfer cage would be difficult and could ruin what small amount of trust we have built up.
I have a 2 minuet video of the Twins calling back/forth I hope to upload later today.

Man you know the drill - by the time you notice physical changes in parrots, it is often pretty serious. I hope Bingo is diagnosed and treated correctly. Not a very Merry Xmas, but my family wishes one for you and yours! At least you aren't freezing your butts off!
So here is the video of the Twins I promised.
Up above I removed an old basket that had an artificial plant in.
The Twins had removed most of the leaves and it was dangerous so it had to go.
The new brown basket is what has them a little worked up.
Luna is up top and Merlin down below.
In the beginning they are saying their version of Michael (my Son's name).
Of someone knows the meaning of the wing flapping Merlin does near the end I would like to hear it.
It doesn't appear to be exercise, not vigorous enough.
Anyway turn up the volume and let your green friends enjoy.
Julio enjoyed your twins! Joined in multiple times.
Merlin is worth being concerned about as you're trained eyes are seeing issues. Double check the Humidity as that is one of those things that can cause background issues.
Try leading your Vet with a 'I want' a blood test first as I am concerned about a respiratory issue, then we can look at a gram stain. I have to lead my current Vet, so do not feel you are doing something out of the norm.
A Very Merry Christmas to you and yours!!
I have a humidifier running full time.
I can usually maintain 45%.
to get higher I would have to run humidifier at high speed and it’s just too noisy like that.
Here is a pic of Bingo yesterday morning.
His wing is leaning against my lips.
Have always been a sucker for a Napping Yellow-Nape!
Yup! I see what you are saying, but at least the overall feather condition is good.
Julio had started Hormonal Season in early December, very early for him, but a week ago it easy back, just about the time that the weather starting turning into its latest reminder that Humans are not in control of it!
As aways, concerned about your flock, as if they where my own. Please keep us updated.
Nothing wrong with directing an Avian Visit, after all you are paying them!! I needed to remind my current Vet of that fact. He is not an Avian expert, but has access to three that are.

Watching a PMS Christmas Show that is centered around bells and only bells while Julio is watching the wild life venture out for the first time in several days.

Merry Christmas Good Friend!!
Now he starts to play.
I think I know.
It’s been 6 days since I got back from up north.
was gone for almost a month.
that explains a lot.
He is very busy ventilating my sweat shirt.

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